Batch Management: Assigning, Nominating & Denying

After you run a query, the Batch Management option allows you to do the same action to all of the results in that query at once. This is especially useful if you are assigning large numbers of applications to a reviewer, or if you are ready to nominate or deny a large number of applications.


On your query results page, select the option under Batch Management called Bin. Click Export. On the next page, you will leave the Bin Action dropdown set to Leave Current, and the Queue Action dropdown set to Add Readers. Enter the name of the reader into the “Add Reader” field and click on their name in the results. Then click the button that says Update All. You may also choose some of the names from the list of results and click Update Selected to move only those selected into that reader’s queue.

Important Notice: At this time you will also need to change the “Workflow” option from “Default Workflow” to “Applications.” We are working with Slate to try to fix this so that the Applications workflow is the default, but until then, you must make this change. If you leave “Default Workflow” your nominations will not be received by GEPA Admissions. See screenshots below.


Once you’ve run your query, on your results page, select the option under Batch Management called Bin. Click Export. On the next page, set the Bin Action dropdown to Set Bin. A new dropdown will appear for Bin - set the Bin to Department Nominations. Then click the button that says Update All. You may also choose some of the names from the list of results and click Update Selected to move only those into the Department Nominations bin.



On your query results page, select the option under Batch Management called Bin. Click Export. On the next page, set the Bin Action dropdown to Set Bin. A new dropdown will appear for Bin - set the Bin to Deny. Then click the button that says Update All. You may also choose some of the names from the list of results and click Update Selected to move only those into the Deny bin.


Bin Definitions

  • Committee Review - Deny: Place applications in this bin if you do not want to nominate the applicant for admission. Applications placed in this bin will receive an official Denial letter from GEPA and then automatically move into Outcome - Denied. Please avoid moving applications from the Awaiting Submission column into this bin. Only those applications with a submission status should receive a decision. Applications in the Awaiting Submission bin should not receive a deny decision.

  • GEPA Review - Department Nominations: Place applications in this bin to nominate them for admission. Applications in this bin are automatically sorted into the correct evaluator’s queue and moved to “Central - Awaiting Review.”

  • Outcome - Admit: GEPA will place applications in this bin after reviewing them and approving them for admission. Applicants in this bin have received an official Admit letter from GEPA but have not submitted their Decision Reply Form yet to officially accept or decline admission.

  • Outcome - Accepted/Provisional: Applicants are automatically sorted into this bin after they accept their admission offer. These applicants still need to submit their final documents to GEPA.

  • Outcome - Accepted/Finalized: Applicants are moved into this bin after GEPA has reviewed their final documents. No further action is required by these applicants.

  • Outcome - Decline: Applicants in this bin were offered admission but chose to decline the offer.

  • Outcome - Defer: Applicants in this bin were offered admission and chose to defer the offer.

  • Outcome - Withdrawal: Applicants in this bin requested to withdraw their application before being offered admission. Note: Applicants who initially accept but later wish to decline are not considered Withdrawals. This bin is only for applicants who were never offered admission.

  • Outcome - Denied: Applicants are automatically sorted into this bin after being processed from the “Central Admission Decision - Deny” bin. Please do not move applications directly into this bin.

  • Outcome - Readmit: Applicants in this bin are Readmits, whose admission is processed by Academic Affairs.