Mass Mailings

Mass Mailings

Below are instructions on how to send a mass mailing to multiple applicants through Slate.

Create a New Mailing

From the Deliver page, click the New Mailing button.

In the New Mailing box that pops up, be sure to label your mailing with the name of your department and a descriptive title. Select your department under Realm. You may optionally select a template from the template drop-down, or remove the option to allow recipients to unsubscribe from the mailing list (set to Allow Unsubscribe as default).


The next page will display your mailing. You will first need to add a Recipient List. To do so, click on Edit Recipient List in the right column of the page. This will allow you to create a query. Alternatively, you may also upload a list of recipients.


Creating a Mailing from a Query

Build a query for the applicants you wish to mail and click Run Query.  


On the next page, set the Output to Deliver Mailing. Click Export.


In the Deliver Mailing pop-up box, you can leave the Mailing as New Mailing, or if you have another mailing previously created, you may open up the dropdown and select the mailing.

Name your Mailing in the Name box. Be sure to label the mailing with the name of your department and a descriptive title.

In the Action drop-down, the default selection is “Copy entire query into mailing.” This allows for the query & recipients to update every time the mailing is sent out. If you wish to keep your list as a static list (keeping the same information and not updating), change the dropdown to “Copy results into mailing as static recipient list.”

Click ‘Submit’ when finished to go to the mailing page.


Editing the Mailing

To edit your message, click the Edit Message button on the right of the page.

In the Edit Message box, be sure to edit the sender. Use your department email or personal UCSD email in place of the Graduate Admissions email address.

Next, drag the Email button over to the Recipient line. This will allow Slate to pull the emails of all contacts in the query.

In the Subject Line, enter in your subject. You may drag in additional query exports to this as well. (ex: For depts with multiple programs, drag in ‘Program Interest App’ to specify which program.)

If you did not select a template, you may select the ‘Email Template’ in the WYSIWYG.


Sending the Mailing

Before sending the Mailing, it is recommended that you send a Test Message to yourself, or to anyone else that may need to review the message. To do so, click on the Send Test Message button on the right of the page.

Once you have confirmed that your email is good to go, click Send Mailing at the top right. In the Send Mailing pop-up box, make sure that the Pre-Flight Checks do not have any errors (in red or yellow text). You do not need to check off any of the boxes for Review or Outbox. If you would like the mailing to continue running indefinitely (this should be rare), then select the Ongoing box.

Select a Start Date/Time. Note that the system is on Eastern time, so you will need to set the time accordingly. If you choose the current day, the Mailing will go out immediately.

Select “Do not dedupe messages” in the Deduping section. Click Send Mailing when you are finished.


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