20210119 - RAH Start UAT

20210119 - RAH Start UAT

From: Parnell, Sarah
To: RA-BI-Developers <RA-BI-Developers@ucsd.edu>
Cc: ITS-BIA <its-bia@ucsd.edu>; Urrutia, Gonzalo <gonzalo@ucsd.edu>; Armenta, Eduardo <earmenta@ucsd.edu>; Kettnich, Cheryl <ckettnich@health.ucsd.edu>; Joyce, Nicole <njoyce@ucsd.edu>; ITS-DataIntergrationServices <ITS-DataIntergrationServices@AD.UCSD.EDU>
Subject: RAH enhancements - UAT available - due January 25

Hello RAH Developers - We are excited to release a number of enhancements for you to test between now and end of day January 25.  If you find an issue, please email busintel@ucsd.edu right away so we can address it prior to January 25.

In Cognos DEV run the report and select Hana QA.  Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail.  Using Hana QA will allow you to see the below enhancements.  RAH data is the same in Hana Prod and Hana QA.

Sign into Tableau QA on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report.  Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title.  Replace the original data source with the –QA data source.  Using the –QA data source will allow you to see the below enhancements.  RAH data is the same in Hana prod and Hana QA.

If you find an issue, please include in your email to busintel@ucsd.edu the following:

  • What browser are you using?
  • What environment are you using?  Cognos DEV, QA or PROD? 
  • What data source / package are you using?
  • What results were you expecting? 

Research Administration - Developer Package - PD – KUALI

New field "IP Proposal Version Status"


Thanks for being awesome,

Sarah Parnell

Analytics Community of Practice Manager

Business Intelligence & Analytics | Information Technology Services | UC San Diego


work cell: 858-354-9709

My pronouns [https://www.mypronouns.org/]: she/her/hers

Join my Slack workspace: UCSD Analytics https://join.slack.com/t/ucsdanalytics/shared_invite/zt-dfkjum6q-Lc9jF8W4XpIoHXDE_~FddA


“I take care of step 1 thru 3 so you can get to step 4 faster. What’s your step 1?” - Sarah

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