20211124 - RAH Production Release Notes

20211124 - RAH Production Release Notes

Hello RAH Report Developers - The below enhancements are now in Production.

Keep up with our future enhancements here: RAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress

Holiday Season

Given the upcoming holiday season, this will be the last RAH release for 2021.  We'll see you again in January 2022!

Completing the Transition:  Sunsetting


While campus moved from Coeus to Kuali in January of 2020, many users continued to reference data warehouse reports for Coeus data.  With last month's completion of our move of the Kuali data into our standard Activtiy Hub table structure we are ready for the final phase of Coeus, sunsetting the old Coeus reporting structure.

Sunsetting the old Coeus reporting structure will save UCSD money in person hours and in re-use of the server space.  The old Coeus reporting structure has not been enhanced since February 2020 yet it requires person hours to monitor and server space to exist.  All of the data in the old Coeus reporting structure can be found in the RAH views and reports using the RAH views will run significantly faster.

ITS is targeting February 2022 for the retirement of the old Coeus reporting structure.  This will provide report developers time to repoint their reports at the appropriate RAH view.  BIA will be reaching out to affected report developers directly to ensure they are award of the retirement date and how to repoint their reports.

  • Single row per Award reports built on Research Administration - Developer Package - Award - KUALI will be repointed to RAH-Award-View.
  • Multi-row per Award reports built on Research Administration - Developer Package - Award - KUALI will be repointed to RAH-AwardDetail-View.
  • Single row per IP reports built on Research Administration - Developer Package - IP - KUALI will be repointed to RAH-IP -View.
  • Multi-row per IP reports built on Research Administration - Developer Package - IP - KUALI will be repointed to RAH-IP Detail-View.
  • Single row per PD reports built on Research Administration - Developer Package - PD - KUALI will be repointed to RAH-PD -View.
  • Multi-row per PD reports built on Research Administration - Developer Package - PD - KUALI will be repointed to RAH-PDDetail-View.

Your Requested Enhancements!

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.

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