20211028 - RAH Production Release Notes

20211028 - RAH Production Release Notes

Hello RAH Report Developers - The below items are now available for you in Production.

Keep up with our future enhancements here: RAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress

Subaward Data Added to RAH - Provide Feedback Now

We are excited to announce the most recent data added to RAH is focused on subaward data.  This data will give fund managers access to all outgoing subawards, including detailed information on obligated amounts and invoiced amounts.  Using this information, fund managers will have a larger picture into their fund management and planning portfolio.

Report developers can choose from RAH-Subaward-View and RAH-SubawardInvoice-View when creating their Subaward reports.

Completion of Research Activity Hub Restructuring

The primary purpose of using Activity Hubs is to blend information across hubs.  The original release of Kuali data was a basic "lift and shift", which caused delays in delivering on our blending promise and slowed the performance of Kuali reports.  With today's release of RAH-PD-View and RAH-PDDetail-View we are completing our move of the Kuali data into our standard Activity Hub table structure.

The field names are all the same so those of you with reports using Research Administration - Developer Package - PD - KUALI can now repoint at the new RAH-PDDetail-View or RAH-PD-View Cognos package / Tableau data source in order to move forward. 

In Summary:

Data Source / PackageCognosTableau
RAH-Award-ViewAvailable with enhancementsAvailable with enhancements
RAH-AwardDetail-ViewAvailable with enhancements

Available with enhancements

Tableau LOD included in data source

Research Administration - Developer Package - Award - KUALIAvailable but NO enhancements - Will eventually be retiredAvailable but NO enhancements - Will eventually be retired
RAH-IP-ViewAvailable with enhancementsAvailable with enhancements
RAH-IPDetail-ViewAvailable with enhancementsAvailable with enhancements
Research Administration - Developer Package - IP- KUALIAvailable with February enhancements - Will eventually be retiredAvailable with February enhancements - Will eventually be retired



Available with enhancementsAvailable with enhancements



Available with enhancementsAvailable with enhancements
Research Administration - Developer Package - PD - KUALIAvailable with February enhancements - Will eventually be retiredAvailable with February  enhancements - Will eventually be retired

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