

THANK YOU! User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a critical time for report developers and data integration developers to complete their own testing scenarios against the SAH DEV0 / Canvas Update. BIA relies on the business expertise of the SAH report developers to examine SAH from a business user perspective.

Open For Developer UAT


How to perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Goal: Hana QA data matches Hana Prod data

Below are instructions on how to run your report in Hana QA for each BI tool.

Cognos Report Developers

  1. In Cognos DEV open your report and run the report select Hana QA.

  2. In Cognos DEV open your report and run the report selecting Hana Prod. This can be done in the same or a different browser.

  3. Compare the output of the reports. They should be the same.

See of DEMO of how to do UAT in the 2024-07-30 Cognos CoP Meeting: 2024 Cognos CoP Meetings

Tableau Report Developers

  1. Open your report in tableau.ucsd.edu to see the Hana Prod data.

  2. In the Tableau desktop tool and open your report. 

  3. Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title.  This will show you the Hana QA data.

  4. Replace the original data source with the –QA data source. 

  5. Compare the output of the reports. They should be the same.

Data Integration Developers

  1. Run your code against Hana QA

  2. Compare the output to your Hana Prod results. They should be the same.

What to do if you find a mismatch

  1. Check to see if the mismatch is due to the changes made during SAH DEV0 / Canvas Update - Phase 1 Details .

  2. Check to see if anyone else has reported the same mismatch: https://ucsdcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/jmwhite_ucsd_edu/EZ9kbZnjGAdKrRtOvOdIUdQBaRZKrCM7tz6kqDcw3OJQbA?wdOrigin=TEAMS-MAGLEV.p2p_ns.rwc&wdExp=TEAMS-TREATMENT&wdhostclicktime=1721689422633&web=1

  3. Identify if Hana QA or Hana Prod matches ISIS.

    1. If Hana QA is correct then no further action is needed.

    2. If Hana Prod is correct then notify BIA of an issue.

What to do with issues found during UAT

Any issues found during UAT should be sent to busintel@ucsd.edu with the subject line “SAH DEV0 UAT” along with the following details:

  • Name and location of the report, or name of the column group

  • Name of the View showing the issue

  • List of prompt values you selected when running your report

  • Sample of results from Hana QA and Hana Prod (screenshot or Excel)

Track your time and effort

We understand that UAT requires time and effort, and we greatly appreciate yours.

For members of ITS or anyone who would like to track their time and effort performing UAT please use ACOP-561 - Getting issue details... STATUS . This will help BIA plan for future SAH Retrofit Phases and allow us to thank your management for your collaboration.


Q: Who should do User Acceptance Testing?

A: Report developers with reports that contain student data from SAH and data integration developers who have integrations containing student data from SAH.

Q: What is the goal of UAT?

A: To identify anywhere Hana QA does not match Hana Prod.

Q: How do I do UAT?

A: Detailed instructions are above. Run your report/integration using Hana QA data then run your report/integration using Hana Prod data. Compare. They should match.

Q: What is Hana QA doesn’t match Hana Prod?

A: Detailed instructions are above. Check to see if this is expected. If it is not, tell BIA.

Q: Who can help me?

A: BIA has scheduled office hours for Thursday 7/25 and Monday 7/29 to review the UAT steps with developers. Anyone in the SAH-Developer AD group can assist with UAT.


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