Above-Scale Entry

Utilize How to Process Academic Merits and Promotions job aid to Add New Off-Scale payment - follow the System Steps under "Merits, Reappointment, Off-Scale Changes (Job Change Only)".

  • Action/Action Reason on Job Data tab: PAY/OFF

  1. Navigate to Job Data tab for relevant employee record

  2. Enter applicable effective date

  3. Enter Action/Action Reason PAY/OFF

  4. Under pay components, select the plus(+) sign and a new pay component line will generate

  5. Enter Rate Code UCOFF3

  6. Enter the annualized Comp Rate

    1. Note: The Comp Rate should be the 100% annualized rate. For example, if you plan to pay the employee a $200 monthly above-scale, you should enter $4,800 for the Comp Rate

    2. 100% annualized amount: monthly above-scale / FTE x frequency (9 or 12 based on UC_9M for ASEs or UC_FY for GSRs)

  7. Add relevant Job Data Comments

  8. Navigate to Additional Pay Data tab

  9. Add relevant Initiator's Comments

  10. Save and Submit to route for approval

Job Data tab
Additional Pay Data tab