Transaction Comments


Be sure to describe the action you are taking in available comment fields!  We recommend adding comments to all available comment fields. A reminder that Initiator Comments are for your local approver only.  Job Data Comments in the Job Data tab are saved with your transaction.

Effective XX/XX/XX, (transaction type), (changes made).

Ex. Effective 06/01/20, Job Data update to change Reports To field.

Smart HR Template Transactions

 Concurrent Hire

Effective 07/01/20 Concurrent Hire; Step 1 GSR, 25.00%; Expected End Date 06/30/20.

PayPath Transactions

 Change in Auto-Terminate Check Box

Effective 06/01/20, update Job Data to (check/uncheck) Auto-Terminate check box.

 Change in Department

Effective 07/01/20, update Position Data to transfer Position to new Department.  New department, 000XXX, (Dept Name).

 Change in End Date


Effective 06/01/20, update Job Data to extend end date to 09/30/2020.


Effective 06/01/20, update Job Data to change end date to 08/31/2020.

 Change in Pay Rate


Effective 06/01/20, update Job Data to correct pay rate.  New pay rate, $XXX.


Effective 07/01/20, update Job Data to increase pay rate.  New pay rate, $XXX.

 Change in Percent Time


Effective 07/01/20, update Position Data to increase FTE to 50.00%.


Effective 07/01/20, update Position Data to decrease FTE to 0.01%.

 Change Reports To

Effective 07/01/20, update Job Data to change Reports To field.  New Position Number, 4XXXXXXX.

Additional Pay

 Childcare Reimbursement

Effective 06/01/20, Childcare Reimbursement for Spring 2020.  Earn Code CCA. End date 06/30/20.  Pay Period and Goal Amount: $1100.00.

Note:  If you are entering multiple payments at one time (ex. Winter and Spring for $2200), please indicate that you are doing so in the comments.  This will help Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs auditors to ensure that student reimbursements correspond with their eligible academic appointments.