Create a New Position - Graduate Academic Titles

Create a New Position - Graduate Academic Titles

Data entry guidelines for graduate academic titles.  Do not enter data in fields where the table is grayed out. Choose from the spyglass list when possible.

Data Entry Tables by Job Code

 See all Description Tab fields

 See all Specific Information Tab fields

Guidance on Reusing Graduate Academic Title Positions

For Graduate Academic titles, it is appropriate to recycle or reuse positions in most cases. Our recommendation is that you take into consideration how many updates the position requires to be correct for the next hire into the position. In general, if there are more than 2 position updates you may want to consider creating a new position to prevent unintentional errors if one piece of the position is not updated correctly. If you are unsure whether to use an old position or not, we encourage you to create a new position and freeze the old position. 


Vacant PositionNew HireRequired Position UpdatesReuse or Create New?

50% TA on Fund Source X

50% TA on Fund Source XNoneReuse Old Position
49.99% GSR on Fund Source Y reports to PI John25% GSR on Fund Source Y reports to PI JaneFTE, reports toReuse Old Position

35% Reader on Fund Source W; 

BW pay schedule/paygroup

15% Reader on Fund Source X;

MO pay schedule/paygroup

FTE, Fund Source, Pay schedule/PaygroupCreate New Position
47.61% GSR on Fund Source Z20% GSR on Fund Source VFTE, Job Code, Fund SourceCreate New Position

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