Mass PayPath Actions

Mass PayPath Actions


Use the Mass PayPath template to submit payroll actions for upload into UCPath.  The instructions referenced below should only be applied for graduate and undergraduate student employees in graduate academic titles. 


  1. Download the template
  2. Review the UPKs: https://spwebserv.ucop.edu/LocationUsers/LOCplayer/index.html?Guid=59d2ad95-673f-4216-9b20-965d54d2ca1c
    1. Job Aid: Complete the CSV File Template for PayPath Actions
  3. Complete the template
    1. The three sections represent the 3 tabs in the PayPath module
    2. Not all fields need to be completed for each type of PayPath; DO NOT delete unused fields or rows
    3. Pay special attention any time you need to reference the Employee Record Number; you want to make sure you are referencing the correct job
    4. Do not use this template to add Additional Pay
    5. Refer to the samples
  4. Save the template
    2. Save template as an excel format
  5. Attach to our Google Form: https://forms.gle/qcpWcror49zNmMUA9
  6. Submit no later than 7 days prior to the PayPath payroll deadline* you wish to impact.  For requests to extend the end date, submit no later than 7 days prior to the appointment end date*  
    1. For extensions, the last day to extend an appointment is the day before the end date.  Please take that into consideration when submitting your request.
    2. Keep in mind that larger files may take longer to review, so sooner is always better than later.  You'll also want time to make corrections if any records do not process due to errors. We do not review submissions for content, but rather that the headers/required information are all present to allow for a successful upload.

*We cannot guarantee that any files submitted past this deadline will be processed in time for the payroll deadline. Currently, PayPath files are reviewed on Tues/Thurs and they require 2 users for the review and upload process.


Please use this E-081 Template: SDCMP_E081_MASSUPDATEPAYPATH_YYYYMMDD.xlsx

This is provided by the UCPath Location Support website and is the only template that should be used.

Allowable Mass PayPath request: 


Not an exhaustive list! 

Sample 1: Increase/Reduction FTE/Position Data

Reduction in FTE: SDCMP_E081_MASSUPDATEPAYPATH_20220310

Required Fields

Record IdentifierA, RRecord IdentifierRequired formatting
POSITION_NBRBPosition Number8-digit Position Number
EFFDTCEffective DateWritten as XX/XX/XXXX
ACTION_REASONDAction/Reason Code3-character Reason Code
FTEJFTEFTE written as 0.XXXX

Sample 2: Extending the Appointment End Date

Extending End Date: SDCMP_E081_MASSUPDATEPAYPATH_20221003

Required Fields





Record IdentifierA, AFRecord IdentifierRequired formatting
EMPLIDBEmployee ID8-digit Employee ID 
EMPL_RCDCEmployee Record NumberUsually 0, 1, 2, or 3
EFFDT_0DEffective DateWritten as XX/XX/XXXX
EXPECTED_END_DATENNew expected end dateWritten as XX/XX/XXXX

Sample 3: Short Work Break/Job Data

Short Work Break:  SDCMP_E081_MASSUPDATEPAYPATH_20200716

Required Fields

Record IdentifierA, AFRecord IdentifierRequired formatting
EMPLIDBEmployee ID8-digit Employee ID
EMPL_RCDCEmployee Record NumberUsually 0, 1, 2, or 3
EFFDT_0DEffective DateWritten as XX/XX/XXXX
TRANSACTION SEQUENCEETransaction SequenceLeave blank if only one action per employee; add sequential numbers if more than one transaction on this spreadsheet
ACTIONFAction Code3-character Action Code
ACTION_REASONGAction/Reason Code3-character Reason Code
EXPECTED_RETURN_DATEOExpected Return DateWritten as XX/XX/XXXX

Sample 4: Uncheck/Check Auto Term Box/Job Data

Uncheck Auto Term Box:  SDCMP_E081_MASSUPDATEPAYPATH_20200626

Required Fields

Record IdentifierA, AFRecord IdentifierRequired formatting
EMPLIDBEmployee ID8-digit Employee ID
EMPL_RCDCEmployee Record NumberUsually 0, 1, 2, or 3
EFFDT_0DEffective DateWritten as XX/XX/XXXX
TRANSACTION SEQUENCEETransaction SequenceLeave blank if only one action per employee; add sequential numbers if more than one transaction per employee per spreadsheet
ACTIONFAction Code3-character Action Code
ACTION_REASONGAction/Reason Code3-character Reason Code
AUTO_END_FLGWAutomatic End Flag"Y" or "N"

Sample 5: Update Academic Duration of Appt field to "End Date (Academic Term Appts)"

Academic Duration of Appt:  SDCMP_E081_MASSUPDATEPAYPATH_20210602

Required Fields

Record IdentifierA, AFRecord IdentifierRequired formatting
EMPLIDBEmployee ID8-digit Employee ID
EMPL_RCDCEmployee Record NumberUsually 0, 1, 2, or 3
EFFDT_0DEffective DateWritten as XX/XX/XXXX
TRANSACTION SEQUENCEETransaction SequenceLeave blank if only one action per employee; add sequential numbers if more than one transaction per employee per spreadsheet
ACTIONFAction Code3-character Action Code
ACTION_REASONGAction/Reason Code3-character Reason Code
UC_ACAD_DUR_APPTXAcademic Duration of ApptW for "End Date (Academic Term Appts)"

Sample 6: GSR Step Increase

GSR Step Increase  SDCMP_E081_MASSUPDATEPAYPATH_20210602

Required Fields

Record IdentifierA, AFRecord IdentifierRequired formatting
EMPLIDBEmployee ID8-digit Employee ID
EMPL_RCDCEmployee Record NumberUsually 0, 1, 2, or 3
EFFDT_0DEffective DateWritten as XX/XX/XXXX
STEPHGSR StepEnter new GSR step

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