SAH-LMS-SubmissionEvents-View Quick Start Guides
SAH-LMS-SubmissionEvents-View Quick Start Guides
- SAH-Demographics-View: (Current Term & First Term)
- SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View: (Per Term)
Folder | Fields | Note |
LMS Course |
| |
LMS Assignment |
| |
Assignment Grading Type | Possible values:
| |
LMS Dates |
| Time at which the quiz submission will be overdue, and will be flagged as a late submission. |
Quiz Due At | Day/Time when the quiz is due. | |
Event Date | ||
Assignment Due At | Timestamp for when the assignment is due | |
Assignment All Day Date | The date version of the Assignment due date if the "Assignment All Day" flag is true. | |
Submission Graded At | Timestamp of when the submission was graded. | |
| Timestamp of the last time the assignment/quiz/submission was updated | |
| Timestamp for when the assignment/quiz is unlocked or visible to the user | |
| Timestamp for when the assignment/quiz is locked | |
| Time at which the student submitted/started the quiz submission. | |
Assignment Created At | Timestamp of the first time the assignment was entered into the system | |
User Created At | Timestamp when the user was created in the Canvas system | |
| Timestamp when the course object was created in Canvas | |
| Timestamp for when the course starts/finishes | |
LMS Flags | Assignment All Day | |
LMS Measure | Submission Score | Numeric grade given to the submission |
Published Submission Score | Valid only for a graded submission. It reflects the numerical value of the actual score. Referring to our previous example for 'submission_dim.published_grade', let's take two submissions, one for an assignment with a scoring method of 'points' and the other for an assignment with a scoring method of 'letter grade'. If the published grade is '4' out of '5' and 'B' for them, respectively, then they should both have a score of '4' out of '5'. And their 'published_score' values will be identical, '4.0'. Defaults to 'NULL'. | |
Submission Comments Count | Reflects the total number of comments on the submission by anyone/everyone, excluding comments that are flagged as 'hidden'. | |
LMS Flag Measure | Submission What If Score | Valid only if the student ever entered a 'What If' score for an assignment in the Canvas UI. Only the most recent score entered by the student is stored here. Any time a new score is entered, the existing one is overwritten. Defaults to 'NULL'. |
LMS Assignment | Assignment Title | Title of the assignment |
Assignment ID | Unique surrogate ID for the assignment. | |
Assignment Course ID | Foreign key to the course associated with this assignment | |
Assignment Grading Type | ContentDeveloper | |
LMS UserLMS User | User role | Give the possible roles for an enrolled user:
User Unique Name | Active Directory User ID | |
LMS Quiz |
| |
Quiz Type | assignment, graded_survey | |
Quiz Display Questions | Values:
| |
Quiz Submission Has Seen Results | Denotes whether the student has viewed their results to the quiz. | |
Quiz State During Submission | There can be two types of quiz states during submission, 1. Quiz submission took place after the quiz was manually unlocked after being locked (but only for a particular student such that (s)he can take the quiz even if it's locked for everyone else). 2. Quiz submission was on-time (that is, when the quiz was never locked). So the two possible values are 'manually_unlocked' and 'never_locked'. Defaults to 'never_locked'. | |
LMS Grades | Grade State | Denotes the current state of the grade. Possible values are 'auto_graded', 'human_graded' and 'not_graded'. |
Grader Unique Name | Active Directory User ID of the grader |
, multiple selections available,
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