FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View Quick Start Guide
This view contains the all of the transactions posted to the UCSD General Ledger including all encumbrances and actuals.
This view only transactions that have posted. This does not include pre-posted, unposted, not approved transactions, not posted, and/or un-processed costs.
This view does not contain sub-ledger information.
Start here and then branch out as needed.
In order to see the General Ledger data within Oracle UI you'll need access to General Accounting Dashboard > Inquiry and Analysis Balances
One row per general ledger transaction. These are summary level transactions that are posted to the general ledger. The view is at transaction level granularity.
Please note: Only objects with transactions are included in this view and only objects with transactions in the source Oracle table.
| Level | Key (uniqueness / group by) | Measures |
1 | Transaction Amount | Tableau report developers: { FIXED [Transaction Line Code], [Transaction System Counter] : SUM([Transaction Amount]) } |
2 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Key Fields to View:
Key Fields Filter on:
Accounting Period
Ledger Encumbrance Type
Journal Balance Type in ('Actual' or 'Projected')
Additional Notes:
Date Fields Description
Batching Accounting Date is coming from GL_JE_SOURCES.DEFAULT_EFFECTIVE_DATE
Batch Posting Date is the date which is originally posted via the batch.
Transaction Creation Timestamp is the timestamp of the transaction when it is created.
Transaction Date is the date for the transaction (most users should use this date)
Transaction Effective Date is the effective date of the transaction.
Transaction System Date Time is the date that the transaction is physically entered into the system. This date is more helpful for ITS team internal use for troubleshooting.
Oracle Set Up Scenario
We sometimes see a setup scenario in OFC where a sponsored project is assigned to more than one award. This seems to happen when they increment the award version from -00001 to -00002.
If there are two records with the same base number then always select the -0002 record.