2021-09-30 SAH Production Release Notes

2021-09-30 SAH Production Release Notes

Hello SAH Developers - The below enhancements are available for you in Production now. 

Keep up with our future enhancements here: SAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress. 

For access to the Student Activity Hub (SAH) you must be pre-approved by the registrar's office.  Please reach out to them directly.

Provide Feedback on our Newest View!

The SAH-InstructorAssignment-View has been created to provide insights into Instructors per Class Section, including co-instructors.  This view is independent of students so you will see class sections with no student enrollments. 

We will be providing an extended UAT period for this view.  If you have questions, comment, suggested field names or a suggested view name please email busintel@ucsd.edu between now and our next release, October 28, 2021.

Renaming and Deprecating

As we've adapted the SAH views to your needs, we have found changing field names is painful for both report developers and our team due to the name change breaking reports, data integrations and packages / data sources.  In an effort to avoid this pain, we are going to introduce a new name change strategy. 

  1. ITS-BIA will release new fields with the revised field name in the views that contain the field to be renamed, or where a view is to be renamed ITS-BIA will release as a new view the view with the revised name.

  2. ITS-BIA will allow a transition period for report developers to repoint their reports at the new fields / views.

  3. ITS-BIA will remove the data from the old fields / views and allow a second transition period.  This will not break the report but will highlight where the fields / views are still in use as they will become blank.

  4. ITS-BIA will deprecate the fields / views.  Any reports the have not transitioned by this point will break.

We'll be using this new strategy on the following items that require name changes.

  • "Enrollment Count" will be replaced by "Enrollment Record Count"
  • "Class Section Enrollment" will be replaced by "Class Section Enrollment Count"
  • "Permanent Address Country Code" will be replaced by "Permanent Address Country Code Current"
  • "Permanent Address Country Name" will be replaced by "Permanent Address Country Name Current"
  • "Permanent Address State" will be replaced by "Permanent Address State Current"
  • "Permanent Address Zip" will be replaced by "Permanent Address Zip Current"
  • "Education Abroad Program (EAP) Completed Units" will be replaced by "Education Abroad Program (EAP) Passed Units Current Cumulative"
  • "Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP) Completed Units" will be replaced by "Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP) Passed Units Current Cumulative"
  • "International Bacccalaureate (IB) Completed Units" will be replaced by "International Bacccalaureate (IB) Passed Units Current Cumulative"
  • "Earned Advanced Placement (AP) Units" will be replaced by "Advanced Placement (AP) Passed Units Current Cumulative"
  • "UG UC Transfer Units" will be replaced by "UG UC Transfer Passed Units Current Cumulative"
  • "UC Transfer PNP Units Earned" will be replaced by "UG UC Transfer PNP Passed Units Current Cumulative"
  • "Grad UC Transfer Units" will be replaced by "Grad UC Transfer Passed Units Current Cumulative"
  • "Subject Code" will be replaced by "Course Subject Code"

Your Requested Enhancements!

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.

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