2021-11-24 SAH Production Release Notes

2021-11-24 SAH Production Release Notes

Hello SAH Developers - The below enhancements are now in Production.

Keep up with our future enhancements here: SAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress. 

For access to the Student Activity Hub (SAH) you must be pre-approved by the registrar's office.  Please reach out to them directly.

Holiday Season

Given the upcoming holiday season, this will be the last SAH release for 2021.  We'll see you again in January 2022!

January 2022

With the addition of more Term, Term Cumulative and Current Cumulative fields we have identified that the original fields added to SAH would be easier to find if they were moved to the Current Cumulative Measures folder.

In January we will be moving the below Current Cumulative fields into the Current Cumulative Measures folder.  This will break Cognos reports using these fields.  There will be no impact to Tableau.

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Passed Units Current Cumulative
  • Education Abroad Program (EAP) Passed Units Current Cumulative
  • Grad UC Transfer Passed Units Current Cumulative
  • Graduate GPA Current Cumulative
  • International Bacccalaureate (IB) Passed Units Current Cumulative
  • Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP) Passed Units Current Cumulative
  • UG GPA Current Cumulative
  • UG UC Transfer Passed Units Current Cumulative
  • UG UC Transfer PNP Passed Units Current Cumulative

Your Requested Enhancements!

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.

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