20210722 FINAH Carryforward Production Release Notes

20210722 FINAH Carryforward Production Release Notes

Hello FINAH Developers - The below has successfully been moved to Production.

Based on your feedback we have enhanced the carryforward balances so that

  • "Journal Balance Type" = "Projected"
  • Accounting Period = 13_Jun-YY now aligns with Fiscal Accounting Period = YYYY13

Hana QA with updates.

Hana Prod with original.

Testing Required

Carryforward Balances

In an effort to mitigate the additional work that would be put on Departments due to the fact that Carryforward balances won’t be posted in Oracle until October, we have added some additional calculated records to the FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View and the FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedgerBalances-View. 

These records will NOT exist in Oracle, but have been added as a stopgap ONLY UNTIL the Oracle carryforward entry is made to the 300000 account.  At that point these calculated records will no longer be seen in FINAH.

You will be able to identify these calculated records by looking for “Journal Balance Type” = ‘Projected’

** NOTE: You will need to make sure “Journal Balance Type” = ‘Projected’  is included in your report in order to add this additional record, or you will need to exclude that if you don’t want to see those records in your report.

The logic behind these records is:

  • Look to see if a record already exists in the 300000 account for the chartstring * in the 13-Jun period of the previous fiscal year.    If that record already exists, then don’t create any additional record. The posted amount will be all that will show in your reports.
  • If no 300000 account balance for the 13-Jun period of the previous fiscal year exists, then calculate the balance of the full Managerial Reporting Hierarchy by chartstring** using the ending balance of the 13-Jun period of the previous fiscal year.   This will include any adjustments made in the 13-Jun period, so you will notice the Carryforward entry changing as those adjustments are made.
  • Add the calculated Carryforward Balance as a new record for Account 300000 to both the FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedger-View and the FINAH-UCSDGeneralLedgerBalances-View

* Chartstring: The posting level of the 300000 Account only  includes the following Chart Segments:

  • Entity
  • Fund
  • Financial Unit
  • Location
  • Project

This stopgap measure will continue to function each year as we move into the new Fiscal Year until the Oracle Carryforward entries are posted.

Customer Service Reminder

Data in UAT is not ready to be shared with end customers, is not considered completely validated and can change suddenly.  For optimal customer satisfaction, do not connect your production solutions to packages / data sources that are in UAT.  If you choose to share UAT items with end customer, be explicit that the data and report is in UAT and can change suddenly or be broken by UAT changes.

Follow our Enhancement Testing Steps

  • Cognos: Use the packages in Cognos DEV > Financial Activity Hub > Financial Activity Hub Packages UAT to build your report and select Hana QA.  Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail.  Using Hana QA will allow you to see the below enhancements with Oracle Production data. 
  • Tableau: Sign into Tableau on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report.  Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title.  Using this data source will allow you to see the below enhancements with Oracle Production data.
  • Hana QA:  FINAH data in Hana QA is production Oracle data loaded daily, just like in Hana PROD.

If you find an issue, please include in your email to busintel@ucsd.edu the following:

  • What browser are you using?
  • What environment are you using?  Cognos DEV, QA or PROD?  Or Tableau?
  • What data source / package are you using?
  • What results were you expecting? 

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.

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