202303 EAH Special Release Notes

202303 EAH Special Release Notes

Hello EAH Developers - The below fields are now available for you in UAT.  If you find an issue, please email busintel@ucsd.edu right away with the subject line “EAH UAT due April 12” so we can address it prior to the Thursday, April 13, 2022 release to Production.

Keep up with our future enhancements here: EAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress

Table of Contents

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.

Thank You Report Developers and Subject Matter Experts!

Special thanks to the those who allowed us to implement the newest view:

  • Marcela Alvarez
  • Kate Balderston
  • Kevin Chou
  • Vince Kellen
  • Sven-Olov Lindqvist
  • Brian Lorentz
  • Karen Munroe
  • Jason Olliff
  • Jude Poole
  • Raul Navarro Rodriguez

New View Going to Production April 13: EAH-PersonTraining-View

BIA and the UC Learning Team are excited to release a new view that will allow reporting regardin employee required UC Learning training. This view will also allow automated verification of training compliance and allow automated removed of access when employee certification has expired.  The EAH-PersonTraining-View is combined with the EAH-Workflow-View.

Per our regular release for new views, EAH-PersonTraining-View will remain in UAT for an extended period and go to Production in our April release in order to provide additional UAT time.

Customer Service Reminder

Data in UAT is not ready to be shared with end customers, is not considered completely validated and can change suddenly.  For optimal customer satisfaction, do not connect your production solutions to packages / data sources that are in UAT.  If you choose to share UAT items with end customer, be explicit that the data and report is in UAT and can change suddenly or be broken by UAT changes.

A duty cycle has been implemented for Hana QA.  During this time, Hana QA will not be available.  Please schedule your UAT work around this duty cycle.

  • Hana QA will not be available from 7pm-5am nightly
  • Hana QA will not be available Saturday and Sunday
  • Data loads will occur from 5am-10am on weekdays

Follow our Enhancement Testing Steps

Please use this UAT time to adjust your reports as needed prior to the Production release when your customers will be able to see any issues these enhancements cause. 
  • In Cognos DEV open your report and replace the current package with the package of the same name from the Team Content > Employee Activity Hub > EAH Analytics Packages UAT folder.  Run the report and select Hana QA.  Do not select Hana Prod as the report will fail.  Using the new package from the EAH Analytics Packages UAT folder will allow you to see the below enhancement.  EAH data is the same in Hana Prod and Hana QA.
  • Sign into Tableau Prod on your Tableau desktop tool and open your report.  Add a new data source with the same name and -QA at the end of the title.  Replace the original data source with the –QA data source.  Using the –QA data source will allow you to see the below enhancements.  EAH data is the same in Hana Prod and Hana QA. 

If you find an issue, please include in your email to busintel@ucsd.edu the following:

  • What browser are you using?
  • What environment are you using?  Cognos DEV, QA or PROD? 
  • What data source / package are you using?
  • What results were you expecting?

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