202305 EAH Release Notes
Hello EAH Developers - The below fields are now available for you in Hana Production.
Keep up with our future enhancements here: EAH Bugs and Enhancements In Progress
Table of Contents
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are report breaking enhancements if you have these fields in your report.
Thank You Report Developers!
Special thanks to the report developers who submitted enhancement requests.
- David Mandell
- Daniel Redfern
- Lindsay Root
- Michael Weinfeld
Renaming and Deprecating
As we've adapted the EAH views to your needs, we have found changing field names is painful for both report developers and our team due to the name change breaking reports, data integrations and packages / data sources. In an effort to avoid this pain, we are going to introduce a new name change strategy.
ITS-BIA will release new fields with the revised field name in the views that contain the field to be renamed, or where a view is to be renamed ITS-BIA will release as a new view the view with the revised name.
ITS-BIA will allow a transition period for report developers to repoint their reports at the new fields / views.
ITS-BIA will remove the data from the old fields / views and allow a second transition period. This will not break the report but will highlight where the fields / views are still in use as they will become blank.
ITS-BIA will deprecate the fields / views. Any reports the have not transitioned by this point will break.
We'll be using this strategy on the following items that require name changes.
Step 2 - Fields to be set to Null.
Employee Phone Number Current will be replaced by Employee Home Phone Number Current
Employee Phone Number AsOf will be replaced by Employee Home Phone Number AsOf
- Employee Preferred Name fields. Employee Preferred Name will continue to show in the Employee Name fields with the Employee Legal Name showing where no preferred name has been indicated. Anyone using the Employee Preferred Name fields should use the Employee Name fields.
Employee Preferred Display Name AsOf replace with Employee Display Name AsOf
Employee Preferred Display Name Current replace with Employee Display Name Current
Employee Preferred First Name AsOf replace with Employee First Name AsOf
Employee Preferred First Name Current replace with Employee First Name Current
Employee Preferred Last Name AsOf replace with Employee Last Name AsOf
Employee Preferred Last Name Current replace with Employee Last Name Current
Employee Preferred Middle Name AsOf replace with Employee Middle Name AsOf
Employee Preferred Middle Name Current replace with Employee Middle Name Current
Employee Preferred Name AsOf replace with Employee Name AsOf
Employee Preferred Name Current replace with Employee Name Current
Employee Preferred Name Prefix AsOf replace with Employee Name Prefix AsOf
Employee Preferred Name Prefix Current replace with Employee Name Prefix Current
Employee Preferred Name Suffix Code AsOf replace with Employee Name Suffix Code AsOf
Employee Preferred Name Suffix Code Current replace with Employee Name Suffix Code Current
- Employee Phone Number Current will be replaced by Employee Home Phone Number Current
- Employee Phone Number AsOf will be replaced by Employee Home Phone Number AsOf
Impacted Views:
- EAH-Benefits-View
Impacted Column Groups:
EAH Employee Demographics Current Address
EAH Employee Demographics Current Contact
EAH Employee Demographics Current Name
EAH Employee Health Survey for EMMA
EAH Employee Health Survey for EMMA - TEST
EAH Position Funding Downstream Systems Consolidated
EAH Position Funding Employee Data for RMP HR
EAH Position Funding IAM
EAH Workforce Address
EAH Workforce Advancement CRM
EAH Workforce Contact
EAH Workforce Downstream Systems Consolidated
EAH Workforce EIAM
EAH Workforce EIAM Delta
EAH Workforce Ethics and Compliance
EAH Workforce IAM
EAH Workforce Identity
EAH Workforce Information Extended
EAH Workforce Job Basic
EAH Workforce Job Extended
EAH Workforce Name
EAH Workforce Restricted IAM
EAH Workforce Staff Evaluation
EAH Workforce Supplier Identity Citizenship
EAH Workforce VCHS Employee Appointment Management
EAH Workforce View EVC Custom Query
View Your Requested Enhancements
Epic: - EAHE-2783Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed: CS1438667
Added the following new fields:
- Direct Retro Created By Display Name
- Originator Department
- Originator Department Code
- Originator Display Name
- Originator User ID
EAH-LLFringeDetail-View, EAH-LLSalaryDetail-View, EAH-LLFringeSalaryDetail-View,
Epic: - EAHE-2788Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed: CS1472300
Added the following new fields:
- Project Department Reporting Category
Epic: - EAHE-2794Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed: CS1458148
Added the following new fields:
- Fund VSE Category
- Fund VSE Category Code
- Fund VSE Category Code and Name
- Fund VSE Subcategory L1
- Fund VSE Subcategory L1 Code
- Fund VSE Subcategory L1 Code and Name
- Fund VSE Subcategory L2
- Fund VSE Subcategory L2 Code
- Fund VSE Subcategory L2 Code and Name
Epic: - EAHE-2809Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed:
Added the following new fields:
- Department Start Date
- Job Earnings Distribution Type
- Job Earnings Distribution Type Code
- Job Expected End Date
- Job Start Date
- Last Worked Date
- Reports To Identity Active Directory ID Current
- Reports To Identity Phone Number Current
- Reports To Work Mobile Phone Number Current
- Reports To Work Other Phone Number Current
Workforce Basic
Epic: - EAHE-2778Getting issue details... STATUS
SNOW ticket(s) addressed: CS1401147
Added the following new fields:
- Occupational Subgroup
- Occupational Subgroup Code
- US Standard Occupation Class
- US Standard Occupation Class Code
Added to the following views:
- EAH-DeductionBalance-View
- EAH-Degree-View
- EAH-EarningsBalance-View
- EAH-EmergencyContact-View
- EAH-ExtendedAbsence-View
- EAH-GeneralDeductionDetail-View
- EAH-JobEarnsDist-View
- EAH-License-View
- EAH-Payroll-View
- EAH-PayrollDeductionDetail-View
- EAH-PayrollEarningsDetail-View
- EAH-PayrollSpecialEarningsDetail-View
- EAH-PayrollTaxDetail-View
- EAH-Tax1042Balance-View
- EAH-TaxBalance-View
- EAH-UCRole-View
- EAH-UCRoleDepartmentDetail-View