2024 Financial Analytics CoP Meetings

2024 Financial Analytics CoP Meetings

Monthly meetings: Every 2nd Friday of the Month at 10:00am.  Email busintel@ucsd.edu for an invite.

Want to watch a recorded session?  OneDrive > Financial Analytics CoP

Jira Timetracking for those who do:   ACOP-420 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2024-12-13 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
Next FINAH enhancement releaseFebruary 2025
Cognos TrainingNew link to Hana codes and Cognos/Hana deep dive video
Tableau TrainingNew link to LOD training

2024-11-08 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
FINAH November UAT has started202411 FINAH Release Notes
FM Coach 2.0 AI project

Looking for analysts interested in providing feedback on how to answer fund manager questions.

  1. Take a look at the example questions.
  2. What report would you use to answer the question?
  3. What fields would you use to answer the question?
  4. What other information would you need in order to answer the question?
  5. What clarification question should the AI ask?

Contact Darcy Frailey (dfrailey@ucsd.edu) to be added to the Teams chat and get access to the spreadsheet.

Fund Manager Coach 1.0 = https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/ai/tritongpt/fm-coach.html

TritonGPT = https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/ai/tritongpt/index.html

2024-10-11 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
FINAH October202410 FINAH Release Notes
EAH October202410 EAH Release Notes
Concatenation in BI tool

If you are concatenating fields in your report it will impact your run time by increasing the run time.  This can be very obvious in Cognos prompt pages.

Recommendation: request that the concatenated field be added to the Activity Hub.

Email busintel@ucsd.edu with 

  • Suggested Name for the new field
  • the logic you are using
  • how this will benefit your customers
  • the views you would like this added to

Enhancement Requests for existing data source

(Oracle, UCPath, Kuali, EPBCS, Tririga, ISIS, etc.)

  1. Enhancement is requested via email to busintel@ucsd.edu which will open a SNOW ticket.
  2. BIA will ask questions about it.  Where does this data come from?  How are you going to use it?  How does it benefit UCSD? Does it require any additional formatting?  Do you want any associated fields?
  3. BIA will bring the field to the Data Steward.  What security should be around this data?  Is this the source of the data?
  4. If Data Steward approves the data to be added to FINAH, BIA will bring the field to the FINAH Data Definitions Committee for naming and defining.
  5. BIA will add to monthly release cycle.
  6. BIA will add to FINAH-QA during the monthly release cycle.
  7. BIA will ask the requestor to test the enhancement in Hana QA.
  8. Hearing no issues, BIA will release to FINAH-Prod during monthly release cycle.
  9. BIA will close SNOW ticket.
Open Q&A

2024-09-13 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
FINAH September202409 FINAH Release Notes
FINAH DefinitionsActivity Hub Field List
Open Q&A

2024-08-09 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
FINAH August202408 FINAH Release Notes
Campus BFS



2024-07-12 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
FINAH July202407 FINAH Release Notes

If you are using the same blend in multiple reports then let BIA know.  Email busintel@ucsd.edu.

Why people blend:

1) Where is everyone's payroll coming from?

2) Who (people, departments, project) is in what lab?


How do I set up my folder/data module/ report to grant the correct access?  Email busintel@ucsd.edu. 

Short Answer:  Your data module and reports need to both be in a folder structure that the customer AD group has consumer access to.  BIA can help you get organized.

Why people don't open a ticket

1) ITS is too busy = yes, we are busy BUT we do want to make your life easier so we want to add it and we will find a time to add it

2) It's only for our team = maybe, BIA hears about projects across multiple teams so once we know multiple teams need it we can bump up the priority (and help introduce the teams)

3) ITS can't add it to AH by the time I need it = let us try, even if we can't add it for this year we can add it for next year or other use cases

4) ITS is too busy = we may already be working on what you want, let us keep you up to date

5) ITS is too busy = ITS work is prioritized by data stewards, who represent what data departments need. If they don't know what data you need then they can't prioritize it.

When will AR from Oracle be available in FINAH?

Data from SIS in beta testing with the AR team.  Data from Oracle is in the queue but may need to wait until after the ESR TSS project.

Daniel: Customers are using the AR Panorama but would like a more interactive dashboard.

FINAH Roadmap

FSPT - Student Financial Data / SIS Accounts Receivable (in progress, data in beta testing, governance in discussion)

Accounts Receivable from Oracle (high in queue, after ESR TSS due to limited resources)

Fixed Assets from Oracle (low in queue)

How to get data out of Oracle
  1. Can send yourself Excel
  2. Can the Excel be dropped in an Activity Hub and be made available = BIA doesn't have the resources due to ESR TSS
  3. Can an API/Nifi drop an Oracle file in Activity Hub and be made available = the data integration team (ADIS) and BIA would be needed for this and both are limited due to ESR TSS
Will changing the name of a VC-Area from “Resource Management and Planning” to “Operations Management and Capital Programs” affect already developed reports?Only if the report is filtered specifically for “Resource Management and Planning”

2024-06-14 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
June & JulyReleases will be small as BIA as we retrofitting underlying tables.
Requesting access as a consumer

bah.ucsd.edu > Request Access

Reports that are not on BAH, if you send us the link to the report we can refer you to the Report Developer Team

Requesting access as a developerBlink > Data Sources (https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/sources/index.html)

RSCore website (https://rscore.ucsd.edu/#/main/home) - customers can request access for their role

Health Service employees can request access here: https://ucsdhealth.service-now.com/hub?id=arc_sc_item&sys_id=8e4c782d87d225100548ca68cebb3568

Non-Health Service employees can email: rschelp@health.ucsd.edu

Active Directory

AD Tool: allows you to create groups for security purposes and/or mail list purposes or other

How does AD group membership get managed?

  • There is no single teams that creates or edits all AD groups
  • Different IT teams can create and edit AD groups
  • Challenge #1: find your AD group admin person
    • Biological Sciences should work with their local IT team to manage their AD groups
    • SIO / Marine Sciences should work with their local SIO Help Desk
    • JSOE should work with their local JSOE Help Desk
    • Health Services should work with the Health System Service Desk (UC San Diego Health Information Services (3help.ucsd.edu or 3help@ucsd.edu)
    • Everyone else can contact ITS, specifically the ITS-WorkstationLifecycle (https://support.ucsd.edu/its?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=de45c412c312310015519f2974d3ae1b)
    • HR/Payroll Reports has a SNOW form to request access bia BAH
    • Budget & Finance has a SNOW form to request access bia BAH
  • Once the AD group(s) are created, then the BIA team connects the AD group to the folder
    • Tableau: you can see the permissions per workbook if you are the workbook owner (which are inherited from the folder)
    • Cognos: only BIA can see the permissions per folder
    • To see AD group membership: How to View Active Directory Group Membership
    • Tableau will sync AD groups overnight - you can request a manual same-day sync by emailing busintel@ucsd.edu
    • Cognos will sync AD groups within a matter of mins
AD Group Names


  • TeamName-Project-BI-Developer for the group of developers who will be building reports, allows you to save your report to a specific location
  • TeamName-Project-BI-Consumer for the group of users who will be viewing or using the reports or you can use existing customer groups

*This is separate from the AH Report Developer Access

2024-05-10 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
May & JuneReleases will be small as BIA as we retrofitting underlying tables.
Interest in Cognos/Tableau training using FINAH?Yes.  People interested in this meeting will be notified first, the FINAH mail list will be advertised to 2nd.
Can a burn down report be created in Cognos?

Yes. See recording for details.

Create future years in a separate query.  Create separate queries for each category and then union.

Create crosstab and then use 'Section' feature from icon menu to pull year out separately.

2024-04-12 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
April Release going to Prod on Monday 4/15202404 FINAH Release Notes
Enhancement Requests

BIA Services Form = https://support.ucsd.edu/its?id=sc_cat_item_guide&sys_id=e333d2481b67e9d4484f968f034bcbf5

Or email for now = busintel@ucsd.edu

Blending data with FINAH

Adding New Data for Blending in Cognos or Tableau

Even if you use the Interim solution or Short term solution you should also request that your data source be added to the Activity Hubs.

Enhancements - how it is decided which AH the data goes into?
  1. Security is always considered.  Which data steward is responsible for the source data.  Council of Data Stewards = https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/governance/council.html

Note: Student data will need to be prioritized against the SIS freeze for the next couple years.  The Data Steward can adjust the priorities as needed.  There is a SIS freeze exception form.

2. What resources do the Data Integration team and BIA have available.

3. It can go into multiple Activity Hubs in the end.

SIS Freeze

Everything (data integration and reporting and applications) needs to move off the current SIS and current DW.

All SAH requests are evaluated to determine if the data is from SIS and the SIS data is given priority.

Is this possible?

Would people be interested in a Flag for Most Recent Closed Fiscal Accounting Period / Most Recent Open Fiscal Accounting Period?

Yes!  We love to add flags that people are going to use in several reports.  Please email us the logic that you are using.

Can you mass schedule a Cognos report?

Mass schedule: Want to send to send to 100 + people but don't want to schedule each and don't want to make a copy of the report that has to be maintained when the original report gets updated.

The original report will need to be burst capable and allow default values to be set in the prompts.

2024-03-08 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
March Release202403 FINAH Release Notes

2024-02-09 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page.
3 Fund Options

Fund = Fund Code listed on the General Ledger Accounting lines.

Derived Fund = The fund that is associated with the project-task based on award setup for sponsored projects or project setup for non-sponsored projects.  For Sponsored Projects: (1) "Expenditure Funding Source Code" is internal / 5-digits, then use the "Expenditure Funding Source Code". (2) If "Expenditure Funding Source Code" is not internal / 5-digits then used the match on the Award Type to find the Fund Code. (3) If "Expenditure Funding Source Code" is not internal / 5-digits and "Award Type" = Special State Appropriations, then match on the "Award Sponsor REMS Code" to find the Fund Code.

Derived UC Path Fund = The Fund that should be used in UC Path chart strings based on the project/task/award accounting rules.

Note, the Derived UC Path Fund and Derived Fund and Fund can differ.

Use Case: Capped Funds

Use Case: See all the projects associated with a Fund use with Derived Fund.

Use Case: See all the transactions that posed to a Fun use the Fund.

Quick intro of people on the call

See recording for amazing Friday faces
Go over Quick Start Guides

FINAH Quick Start Guide

FINAH-ProjectCost-View Quick Start Guide

Recommendations for new folks
  1. All folks start here = https://bah.ucsd.edu/financial/index.html#
  2. Report Developers = FINAH Quick Start Guide
  3. Report Developers = FINAH Report Developer Training

2024-01-12 Financial Analytics CoP

ReminderAll sessions are recorded.  See link at the top of the page
Financial ACoP

Monthly Meeting - Office hours / Q&A session / demo time


Teams Chat



What is the FINAH? High Level: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/sources/financial-activity-hub/index.html

Financial ACOP Meetings: 2024 Financial Analytics CoP Meetings

FINAH Quick Start Guides: FINAH Quick Start Guide

Activity Hub Field List: https://tableau.ucsd.edu/#/views/ActivityHubFieldList/ActivityHubFieldNames?:iid=1

Protection Levels: https://security.ucop.edu/policies/institutional-information-and-it-resource-classification.html

BAH > Budget & Finance: https://bah.ucsd.edu/financial/index.html#

Council of Data Stewards: https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/bi/governance/council.html

FINAH Report Developer Training: FINAH Report Developer Training

AH Data Load Report: https://tableau.ucsd.edu/#/views/AH-DataLoadStatusReport/Status?:iid=2

System Status: https://status.ucsd.edu/

What do you want to see or learn from Financial ACoP in 2024?

What's going on with FINAH?

What challenges do Financial Analysts face?

What are people reporting on?

Recharge Units - what are you guys doing? Different central offices. Tehseen

Next Time

Go over Quick Start Guides

Quick intro of people on the call

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