Associate or TA Daily Rate of Pay

Associate or TA Daily Rate of Pay

We recommend you contact us for assistance ANY TIME you are going to process a daily rate of pay calculation.  Remember that students who have a fee remission that is based on their employment, need to consider the financial implications of leaving early or starting late in a given quarter.  The information below is provided for your reference. 

Associate or TA Leaves Early

You can submit a involuntary Termination template transaction for the student employee you are separating.  Below is a tutorial for submitting the template:  https://sp.ucop.edu/sites/ucpathhelp/LocationUsers/LOCplayer/index.html?Guid=e59b4f1d-1b62-4c48-a1dc-39f13f09da98 When you submit the E-078 template you will be able to input the hours worked.  We recommend you put any other instructions in the comment area so UCPath will know exactly what the transaction is suppose to pay out.  

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