19FEB20 Meeting Notes

19FEB20 Meeting Notes


Feb 19, 2020


  • @Former user (Deleted)

  • @ SMT


  • Update SMT

Discussion items









PMO Shuffles to ESR

  • everyone except Paul K. and Angie Lu 



Post Kuali go-live - shuffling resources to Finance 

What do we need help with?


What do we need help with? (not an exhaustive list)

Requests for:


Someone with BSA skills who can help document requirements, specs, and data dictionaries 

Specific examples:

  • Downstream: A dedicated BSA who focuses on translating project information to the downstream teams. E.g. data knowledge collection, interfaces and usage like the Recharge for Finance, etc. Many of these have become blockers on the app remediation teams 

  • Downstream / App Remediation: Another BSA to resolve the blockers? ESRDI-293 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • App remediation: A dedicated BSA who reviews and ensures major ITS core services are remediated for Go Live. E.g. AD and Mail DB

  • Finance Integrations: Individuals who can learn and ramp-up quickly on Oracle Financial in the Cloud (OFC) and can translate functional requirements into system configurations

    • The lack of BSAs during design contributed to the documentation debt / fatigue / decision amnesia we are battling now

    • The decision to adopt “best practice” from Deloitte vs doing a current state landscape has also resulted in business needs that are surfacing now in testing and creating not insignificant design oscillations and subsequent risks

Development / Platform: 

Individuals with programming skills to ramp up on iPaaS tools and help write integrations for data access and data manipulation.

Specific examples:

  • UCPath: More GoAnywhere/GoCEMLI trained developers. We only have 1 person remaining to support GoAnywhere, Thuan, given that Joe and Steven are both overloaded with other work.

  • ESR: A developer who can support Doug Meserve’s setups of the scheduler and establish more robust training and procedure documentation

  • Downstream: A dedicated NiFi coach to teach and assist the downstream remediation developers learning.  (multiple requests for this)

QA / Test Cases Development:

Individuals who can execute test scripts and document outcomes. 

Specific examples:

  • !!!Finance: Mitigate lack of tool, a need a resource that can use excel proficiently for manumation (need for next week)

  • UCPath & Finance: A GA/OFC SME who can focus on the support the Payroll team’s financial GL and PPM integration and test case development

  • Finance: QA resources to write test cases for OFC:

    • Functional

    • Integrations

OCM including training

  • UCPath: Technical OCM resources to help coach and plan transition activities for the 8 different department Service Owners involved in UCPath (they’ve been given the checklist, but is that enough?)


Detail oriented, task driven individuals who can work with the PMs to track project deliverables and tasks, follow-up with task owners, update project tasks and status ongoing basis, document decisions, coordinate meetings.

Any resources available to help?


<review tableau>

How much of their time?


As much as possible.

For how long?


Until the dust settles (post Finance go-live)

Who do we need?

Kal / All

Our best.


Claudio to support NiFi / Kafka / KSQL on iPaaS. I'm hearing we have been experiencing daily issues over the last four weeks. 

Chris Rice to support DIS road-map planning and execution

Dorian to build or document integrations

Adam Tillman to deep dive into the iPaaS platform and be developers liaison 

Yours ideas?

Maria Andrade (Programmer 2)
Wade Blomgren (BSA work?)
Roger Phillips (BSA work) – EAH system ID mapping
David Carlos (Proj coordinator Union Employee???)
Harrison Watts (ex Lean Bench)
Manisha Kanodia (ex Lean Bench)
Michael Cribbs – streaming platform?
Ryan Austin – data conversion. To help Tim Morse
Tony Hill – developer .net development, infra and system remediation for HR
Kenny Li?
Consider service owners / supervisors

Action items