validate between ISIS and TSS
comparing report outputs
values are not expected to be the same
i.e. major code in ISIS isn’t going to be same major code in TSS in future
if don’t know the exact target, Chuck’s team won’t be able to help (unless there’s translation table)
if 60-70% is hard values and there’s translation table, maybe they could help
Greg is working on ISIS migration into TSS
we should do testing before we get to report validation step so that we don’t waste time during report validation phase trying to figure out if issue is due to dev0, or tss mapping, or isis conversion, etc
important to lands in activity table that sah code anticipates (looks like the data from ISIS)
values we get from ISIS won’t be same as values from TSS
math 101 in isis, math abc in TSS (that’s expected) as long as represent same thing
data comes into base tables
Invenio build views on TSS that mimics ISIS load so we can load that to activity table
Invenio has access to our data warehouse
pulling directly from ISIS into TSS (SAH isn’t involved)
then from TSS, they need to create views that load to SAH
according to Jonathan: when go live, go live with just new students for fall term (incumbents would continue to flow into ISIS)
if base views look fine, (aligns to regions)… then everything else flows the same
need to have standing baselines
AI: talk with Invenio about test data set, what guardrails we need in place (discuss in next wednesday sync - invited Chuck)