SAH-Degree-View Quick Start Guide
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This page assumes you have read SAH Quick Start Guides and SAH Core Views Quick Start Guides
This view contains students who have been awarded a degree and student who have applied for a degree.
Critical Concepts
Pre-Joined Data
Pre-joined with Current, Historical, and First recorded activities and information about students comes from from SAH-Demographics-View and SAH-StudentStatsPerTerm-View and SAH-StudentStatsPerTermCensus-View Quick Start Guide
Degree Applications vs Degree Awarded
Degree Applications must be submitted before a Degree is awarded, but not all applications are approved
Degree Applications and Degree Awards come from two different systems. These systems are not designed to align.
Degree Application Status is from the Degree Applications tool and only applies to the applications
Degree Status is from the SIS tool and only applies to degrees that are awarded
Term Set - Awarded Term vs Term Set - Reported Term
Awarded Term = The Term in which the student was physically handed the degree.
Reported Term = The Term in which it was reported to UCOP that the student was given a degree.
These may not match, especially in the case of retroactive degrees. Retroactive degrees are not flagged in ISIS but are sometimes noted in VAC.
Doctoral Committee Chair/Co-Chair Data
Doctoral Committee Chair and Co-Chair data is often manually entered into the source system to allow for non-UCSD faculty for joint-degrees, and so the data available via SAH may be limited (ie. Employee ID may be missing).
Steps to Take
Key Fields to Display
Degree Record Type
Primary Major Awarded fields
Term Set - Awarded Term or Term Set - Reported Term
Key Fields to Filter On
Degree Record Type
Granularity is the scale or level of detail present in a set of data. It identifies where levels of uniqueness exists in the data. The data lives in the view at the lowest level, but each BI tool totals the levels differently.
Please note: The Level of Detail (LOD) calculations listed here for Tableau developers are a baseline and do not necessary include all of the LOD equations needed for your report.
The LOD on degree view is degree per student and "Award Sequence Identifier" comes into play when multiple degrees are awarded.