2024-05-10 PPMO Meeting notes

2024-05-10 PPMO Meeting notes


May 10, 2024


  • @Student Test x

  • @Vidal Espina

  • @Gerrity, Christopher (Deactivated)

  • @Karen Israel

  • @Erin Kilburn x

  • @John Lane x

  • @Neti, Apoorva (Deactivated) x

  • @Shawn Pappelbaum x

  • @Paul Krueger x

  • @Mindy Peng x

  • @Chris Ranglas

  • @Brian Smith

Discussion items







Share wins and cross functional project impacts and challenges


  • Wins

    • Paul joining HR IS team - congrats, Paul!

    • Leases integration live

  • X functional


  • Challenges

Vendor Management


  • on projects, PMs should track costs, verify vendor hours to the invoice (use Jira), and monitor remaining budget. This dovetails with general resource management capacity planning and projections.

  • Additionally, the PM should be involved in clarifying and accepting the SOW, as it needs to have clear deliverables, estimates, and align into the overall OTL. We have also been unwinding several projects where we inherited SOWs that were extremely broad and result in misaligned expectations and wasteful spend, so trying to get ahead of that. (Shib being a recent and high profile example)

    • How will time logged and what level of granularity

    • what frequency of invoice submissions

    • What systems will the project be tracked

  • solution architect / service owner / service offering manager to inform quality acceptance. Example, PM can confirm the vendor invoice matches hours worked, but we defer to the tech manager on if those hours resulted in the quality of deliverable expected.

    • In cases of staff aug for PO contractors, managing and directing the resources should also be with the tech leads.

Best Practices Process


  • Standard check point and process in SOWs? PM should drive

  • Creation of SOW should be partnership between PM, ITS, End Users

  • Recommend that part of the process is sign off: ITS and Dept

  • Good time to educate on difference between T&M and Fixed Costs

    • Blended

    • Time with a ceiling

  • As new project team members join (different phases), orient to what to expect from vendor and roles

  • Recommend that project planning complete before starting clock with vendor, so we aren’t burning time where UCSD is the bottleneck

  • Subcontractors of vendor - managed by vendor, same standards

  • Time tracking of vendors

    • Mixed - some yes and no

  • Project tracking - Jira

    • Recent example - used vendor system (asana) for project tracking

  • Challenges provisioning vendors to systems - seems to have improved

  • Standard: track time in Jira, match time to invoice

    • exception possible, but needs to be a decision and documented

      • May not make sense if the SOW is deliverables-based (vs time based)

  • Be respectful to the vendor - remember they represent competencies we don’t have or bandwidth we need

  • Remember these are businesses that want to maximize their profit, so we need to drive clarity up front




  • Moran, Deloitte, Solejar, iLSI, Slower


Not tracking/tracked

  • Carnegie, College Source, Oracle Prof Services (NetSuite)

    • If fees deliverable based, vs time based



ESP Budget Tracker - @John Lane will share
Invoice reconciliation and onboarding deck - @Brian Smith
Oracle reports - ask Anna to present? @Erin Kilburn Reminders of how to find different POs. Standard for T&M? how often should invoices be submitted? Possible to write into SOW that if invoices aren’t submitted timely, overages not submitted to UCSD?










Putting the tech in technical PM


Technical Concepts




Closing projects! Should be Live



Closing projects! Should be Done




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