2024-09-27 PPMO Meeting notes
Sep 27, 2024
@Melody Erickson x
@Vidal Espina
@Karen Israel - absent
@Erin Kilburn x
@John Lane x
@Shawn Pappelbaum x
@Mindy Peng
@Chris Ranglas
@Slavensky, Aimee x
@Brian Smith
@Sekowska, Izabellax
@Wixom, Mark (Deactivated)
@Wise, Isaiah (Deactivated)
@Azab, Mohammed (Deactivated)
special guest, @Justin Clow
Discussion items
Item | Who | Notes |
Jira licensing, access standards for projects | @Justin Clow | Strategies for managing Jira licenses; at ceiling of 1k license limit
Provision a license:
Managing groups, for the large projects/programs (ex, SIS, Secure Connect, Anaplan, Campus Activation)
For this year, jump to 2k licensed users Project budgets to cover one time (1 year? 2 year?)
-1k to 2k jump ( 2years)
Process for managing project groups? When do we request new project groups? Annual % increase we could project annually? |
Recruitments |
Dashboards and PAH |
| https://ucsdcollab.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PAH demos, QA |
Global schedule blocks |
| 2 weeks for winter break 1 week for Thanksgiving Add UCSD holidays for next two years |
Open projects / need PM |
| SIS Continuity Planning, SIS Reporting Secure Connect OMCP Internal projects |
Share wins and cross functional project impacts and challenges | all |
Putting the tech in technical PM |
| |
Closing projects! Should be Live |
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Closing projects! Should be Done |