EAH-GradWorkPeriodDetail-View Quick Start Guide
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The EAH-GradWorkPeriodDetail-View is a subset of data from the EAH-Workforce-View that is focused on employees in Graduate Academic Titles (i.e., job codes).
This view breaks out graduate academic employment into one row per Employee ID, per Employee Record, per Term (i.e., quarters). This view was designed to provide the foundational row-level granularity required to build out various summary views (e.g., the EAH-GradTuitionEligibility-View).
The data is combined with key demographic information from the Student Activity Hub.
Graduate Academic Titles are defined by the Academic Personnel Manual (APM) and the BR/BX contracts. Employees in these titles could include graduate, undergraduate and non-student employees.
General information regarding graduate academic employment can be found on the Division of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) collab space (see: So You Want to Hire a Graduate Student).
This view includes include row level security.
Critical Concepts
Benefit Eligibility
Per the Academic Student Employees/BX Contract and the Graduate Student Researchers/BR Contract, specific criteria must be met before students are eligible for specific benefits.
Examples of benefits include tuition remission or paid time off (PTO).
Eligibility is determined using a combination of job code, appointment FTE, appointment duration, and student status.
Calendar Type & Code
Calendar Type or Calendar Type Code (Job Code + Employee Type): Each employee record is mapped to either the academic year or the Gregorian calendar year. The mapping is derived from the combination of Job Code + employee type (ie Hourly or Salaried). The Calendar Type field is unique to this view.
Note: Employee types field for each Employee Record are not included in this view. Also, an employee may be employed in both calendar types during an individual term, or work period. Each record will be assessed based on the calendar type.
Academic year utilizes the quarter begin and end dates of the academic terms as outlined in the Academic and Administrative Calendars (begin/end dates vary slightly by year). Calendar year utilizes the quarters of a Gregorian calendar (begin/end dates are the same for all years).
The Calendar Type/Code fields are determined for what pay period dates should be entered into payroll based upon the Job Code + Employee Type combination. Calendar Type/Code and corresponding Work Period Start/End Dates should not be mistaken for an employee’s service period. This data package is assessing eligibility off of the employee’s Calendar Type and corresponding Work Period. Job start and end dates entered incorrectly into UCPath can affect the eligibility status for the employee.
Pay period dates for Readers, Tutors, and Graduate Student Researchers (GSR) align with their service period. Pay period dates for Teaching Assistants (TA) and Associate Instructors (AI) do not align with their service period. Pay period dates for Non-Student Tutors (NST) depend upon what role the NST is serving in (either TA or Tutor). For more information surrounding service period v pay period for each of the graduate academic titles, click the relevant title’s link above and see Appointment Process > Position Begin and End Dates.
Job Code | Description | Employee Type | Calendar Type | Calendar Type Code |
2310 | Teaching Assistant | any | Calendar | C |
1506 | Associate Instructor | any | Calendar | C |
2860 | Tutor | any | Academic | A |
2850 | Reader | any | Academic | A |
2500 | NST/Reader | any | Academic | A |
2510 | NST/Tutor or TA | Hourly | Academic | A |
2510 | NST/Tutor or TA | Salaried | Calendar | C |
3262 | GSR-TUIT & FEE REM-UCSD-GRP E | any | Calendar | C |
3263 | GSR-TUIT & FEE REM-UCSD-GRP F | any | Calendar | C |
3264 | GSR-TUIT & FEE REM-UCSD-GRP G | any | Calendar | C |
3266 | GSR-NO REM | any | Calendar | C |
3284 | GSR-TUIT & FEE REM | any | Calendar | C |
3285 | GSR-TUIT & FEE REM-UCSD-GRP B | any | Calendar | C |
3286 | GSR-TUIT & FEE REM-UCSD-GRP C | any | Calendar | C |
3287 | GSR-TUIT & FEE REM-UCSD-GRP D | any | Calendar | C |
3141 | GSR Fellow Placeholder | any | Calendar | C |
3151 | GSR Trainee Placeholder | any | Calendar | C |
3160 | GSR Fellow/Trainee Supplement | any | Calendar | C |
3145 | GSR Fellow | any | Calendar | C |
3155 | GSR Trainee | any | Calendar | C |
Term and Work Period
For the purpose of calculating benefit eligibility from payroll entries, graduate academic appointments are organized into quarterly Terms. In this view, the relevant duration of each Term is defined as having a Work Period. The Work Period is defined by the Calendar Type and Calendar Year. The Work Period Start/End Date fields are unique to this view.
As outlined in Calendar Type & Code, some appointments have pay period dates that align with their service period, whereas others have pay period dates that do not align with their service period.
Work Period normalizes these varying conditions into standard Work Periods for each academic quarter, standardized by Term based upon the chart below.
Term | Academic Work Period | Calendar Work Period |
Summer | 7/1 - 9/30 | |
Fall | 10/1 - 12/31 | |
Winter | 1/1 - 3/31 | |
Spring | 4/1 - 6/30 |
For example, the Academic Work Period dates for Fall 2024 are 09/23/2024 - 12/14/2024, whereas the Calendar Work Period dates are 10/01/2024 - 12/31/2024.
The combination of Work Period Start/End Dates and Job Start/End Dates for each record help to determine what work period(s) and term(s) a row may fall into.
Note: Job Start/End Dates for each Employee Record are not included in this view. Instead, they are compared at the raw data level to the relevant work periods, breaking the Employee Record out to one or more unique rows. The results are used to populate the Term, Work Period Begin/End Date, Work Period Job Begin/End Date (discussed below) fields for each unique row.
Note: Work Period Start and End Dates should not be confused with Work Period Job Start and End Dates. Work Period Start/End Dates are the standard dates as outlined in the table below, whereas Work Period Job Start/End Dates are the dates relating to the applicable employee record/appointment. If the employee is entered into payroll for the duration of the academic quarter based upon the correct pay period dates, these dates should match.
Work Period Job Start/End Dates
Work Period Job Start Date and Work Period Job End Date are derived from Job Start/End Dates at the raw data level, by comparing the Job Start/End Dates to the relevant Work Period Start/End Dates for eachTerm. Note: Job Start/End Dates are not included in this view. The Work Period Job Start/End Date fields are unique to this view.
It is important to note the inclusion of “Job” in the name of these two fields, as it indicates that the start and end dates are based upon the unique Employee+Employee Record.
If the Work Period Job Start/End Dates align exactly to the Work Period Start/End dates for the relevant term, the values displayed in Work Period Job and Work period fields will be the same in that row per Employee+Employee Record.
If the Work Period Job Start/End Dates fall between the Work Period Start/End dates for the relevant Term, the values displayed in Work Period Job and Work Period fields will be different in that row per Employee+Employee Record.
If the Work Period Job Start/End Dates span across Work Period Start/End dates for the relevant Terms, the values displayed in Work Period Job and Work Period fields will be truncated to align with the relevant Work Period for that row per Employee+Employee Record.
In summary:
If job start/end dates span an entire work period, the view will display one row per Employee Record for each Term.
If job start/end dates fall between the work period begin/end dates, a row is created for the relevant Term.
If job start/end dates cross two work periods, two rows will be created - one for each of the two terms.
If job start/end dates cross three work periods, three rows will be created - one for each of the three terms.
For example, an appointment with a Job Start Date of 10/1 and a Job End Date of 6/30 spans three academic quarters. Such an appointment would be broken down into three rows, one for each academic term, with three distinct sets of Work Period Job Start/End Dates that align with the begin and end of each term. A more detailed discussion of Work Periods and Terms appears above.
Multiple Appointments and Appointment Duration
Employees in graduate academic titles may have more than 1 active Employee Record during a work period/term. These Employee Records can be of the same or varying Calendar Types. Employees may also be employed in the same Employee Record across multiple work periods or terms.
The flags at this level indicate whether the granularity of Employee ID + Employee Record + Term Code have an affirmative or negative result for benefit eligibility. For example, an Employee with multiple graduate academic appointments during one term might have the Job Code Tuition Eligible Flag as “N” for each Employee ID + Employee Record + Term Code because the flag in this package is not assessing the employee holistically.
This view assesses each employee record individually per term. The EAH-GradTuitionEligibility-View looks at the total eligibility per quarter for an employee.
Work Days
There is a distinction between Work Days Per Period and Employee Work Days Per Period. A summary of the field definitions can be found below. For each term/work period, the Work Days Per Period will be the same (i.e., based on the standard begin/end dates for the work period defined above). The Employee Work Days Per Period will depend upon the Work Period Job Start/End Dates per Employee Record (i.e., based on the individual employee record(s)).
Work Days Per Period - work days calculated between Work Period Start Date and Work Period End Date
Work Days Per Period Prorated - work days calculated between Work Period Start Date and Work Period End Date multiplied by the eligibility benchmark of .25 FTE
(Note: per the contract, the threshold is equivalent of 0.25 FTE across the Term)
Employee Work Days Per Period - work days calculated between Work Period Job Start Date and Work Period Job End Date
Employee Work Days Per Period Prorated - work days calculated between Work Period Job Start Date and Work Period Job End Date times Job FTE
Position Flags/Counts
There are numerous flags that indicate whether the Employee ID/Employee Record per Term Code combinations meet the flag condition. For example, the Job Code Tuition Eligible Flag will be a key indicator if that particular employee record’s Job Code is eligible for fee remission.
There is a set of flags that are particular to Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) Fellow/Trainee job codes to easily filter on that group of graduate academic titles.
This package includes the following flags/counts, which will eventually be migrated to the data definition dictionary:
Field Name | Definition | If contains job code: |
Job Code Tuition Eligible | This flag indicates if the job code meets eligibility for tuition remission as outlined in the UAW contracts. It does not define if the employee in the role is eligible for tuition remission (i.e. an undergraduate employed in a graduate academic title) |
Job Code All GSR Fellow Or Trainee | This flag indicates the job code is within the GSR Fellow and GSR Trainee as defined by the UAW GSR contract. This includes the placeholder job codes disbursed via student financial support systems, the stipend job codes disbursed via UCPath, or the supplement job code disbursed via UCPath. | 003141; 003145; 003151; 003155; 003160 |
Job Code Placeholder GSR Fellow Or Trainee | This flag indicates the job code is a GSR Fellow or GSR Trainee Placeholder that was utilized during AY23-24, to indicate the incumbent was a GSR Fellow or GSR Trainee as outlined in the UAW GSR contract. There was no pay disbursed off of this job code and it is utilized as a placeholder to indicate the amount of the incumbent's fellow or trainee stipend from the sponsor disbursed via student financial support systems. These job codes were unique to AY23-24 (10/01/2023 - 06/30/2024) as part of the implementation of the new contract. | 003141; 003151 |
Job Code Stipend GSR Fellow Or Trainee | This flag indicates the job code is a GSR Fellow or GSR Trainee that was implemented effective 07/01/2024, and is utilized to indicate the incumbent was a GSR Fellow or GSR Trainee as outlined in the UAW GSR contract. There is pay disbursed off this job code, which would be the incumbent's fellow or trainee stipend from the sponsor. | 003145; 003155 |
Job Code Supplement GSR Fellow Or Trainee Flag | This flag indicates the job code is a supplement to a GSR Fellow or GSR Trainee stipend. An incumbent should not be hired on this job code without an associated GSR Fellow or GSR Trainee job code. There is pay disbursed off this job code, which would be the incumbent's supplement to the stipend from the sponsor. | 003160 |
Job Code Stipend Or Placeholder GSR Fellow | This flag indicates the job code is classified as a GSR Fellow as outlined in the UAW GSR contract. This could include the job codes for GSR Fellow placeholder disbursed via financial support systems (10/01/2023 - 06/30/2024 only) or stipend disbursed via UCPath (effective 07/01/2024). | 003141; 003145 |
Job Code Stipend Or Placeholder GSR Trainee | This flag indicates the job code is classified as a GSR Trainee as outlined in the UAW GSR contract. This could include the job codes for GSR Trainee placeholder disbursed via financial support systems (10/01/2023 - 06/30/2024) or stipend disbursed via UCPath (effective 07/01/2024). | 003151; 003155 |
Updates to Data Values
GSR union code updated from 99 to BR effective 4/1/2023
Steps to Take
Key Fields to Display
*Make Up the Primary Key
Employee ID*
Identity Student PID Current
Employee Name Current
Employee Record*
Calendar Year (YYYY)*
Calendar Quarter (Q)*
Calendar Type Code*
Work Period Start Date
Work Period End Date
Work Period Job Start Date*
Work Period Job End Date*
Term Code*
Job Code* = Graduate Academic Titles
Union Code = Graduate Academic Titles
Key Fields to Filter on
Fields unique to the view:
Term Code
Union Code
Job Code
Calendar Year (YYYY)
Calendar Type Code
This package contains key fields from SAH-Demographics available to filter on
[Graduate, Medical, Pharmacy, or UG] Primary Major Department Code Current
[Graduate, Medical, Pharmacy, or UG] Primary Major Department Code
If you need to filter on key fields available in EAH-WFV that are not included in this package, join in your data model.
If you need to filter on key fields available in FinAH, join in your data model.
Granularity is the scale or level of detail present in a set of data. It identifies where levels of uniqueness exists in the data. The data lives in the view at the lowest level, but each BI tool totals the levels differently.
Please note: The Level of Detail (LOD) calculations listed here for Tableau developers are a baseline and do not necessary include all of the LOD equations needed for your report.
| Level | Key (uniqueness / group by) | Measures |
1 | Employee | Employee ID | All measures in Current Student Flag Measures folder |
2 | Employee Record | Employee ID + Employee Record | Job FTE |
3 | Term Code | Employee ID + Employee Record + Term Code |
4 | Lowest | Calendar Type Code + Calendar Year (YYYY) + Calendar Quarter (Q) + Term Code + Employee ID + Employee Record + Job Code + Work Period Job Start Date + Work Period Job End Date | Employee Work Period % measures |
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