SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-View and SAH-MajorMinorNarrowCensus-View Quick Start Guide

SAH-MajorMinorNarrow-View and SAH-MajorMinorNarrowCensus-View Quick Start Guide


  • Current, Historical, and First ever recorded activities and information about students joined with SAH-Demographics-View and SAH-StudentStudentsStatsPerTerm-View

Data Loads

Data is loaded nightly from oracle.  To see when the data completed being loaded by UCSD into SAH see this report:  Tableau > Public > AH Data Load Status Report


Granularity is the scale or level of detail present in a set of data.  It identifies where levels of uniqueness exists in the data.  The data lives in the view at the lowest level, but each BI tool totals the levels differently.

Please note:  The Level of Detail (LOD) calculations listed here for Tableau developers are a baseline and do not necessary include all of the LOD equations needed for your report.




Term Based Student
Basic historical information about students
Current Student
The most current basic information about student 
Term Based ProgramProgram Code Includes all majors / Minors of students for every term in one field (Program / Program Code). Therefore, might see multiple rows per term per student:
Term Based ProgramProgram TypeMajor or Minor
Term Based Program FlagsStudent primary Major FlagIndicates if a major is primary or not
Term Based Program Flag MeasuresProgram Is Self-Supporting Count
Term Based Program FlagsProgram Is Self-Supporting FlagIndicates if a program Is self-supporting or not
Term Based ProgramProgram Support TypeIndication of funding source for major programs.  Self-supported major programs receive no state-funding.  State-supported programs receive state-funding and have different fees for California and non-California students.  All undergraduate major programs are state-supported.

Additional Notes

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