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Every user has unlimited media storage - no file size limits
Supposed to have a data retention policy, but we haven’t implemented it yet; want to implement in concert with Canvas
Plan is to implement at the end of 2023: anything older than 4 years that has not been watched
Reset: watch the video in question for at least 10 seconds
If it hasn’t been watched in 2 years, the lower quality versions will be deleted
When users leave, the videos are still there, but orphaned
Can reassign those videos
With integration with zoom, everything is auto saved to Kaltura
Can create a multi stream (recommend dual settings)
Configure cloud settings in zoom
Embed codes don’t work as is with collab
Need to first add an iframe to the page, and modify the url code
Can you set defaults in Kaltura so recordings from Zoom can be accessed by logged in users without going into Kaltura and "sharing" specific recordings?
Not easily
Create a channel, publish the video to the channel
Ideally, would want to create a group - groups get created on the back end; this is a request (email) to Galen:
Security: how to share with unlogged in users? unlisted links (use case: vendors/consultants that need the video but aren’t UCSD)
Supposedly unlisted links unpublish from any channel
Best practice: listed and unlisted channel?
Tips and tricks: transcript; can click to the point in the video where mentioned