Is there an incident report in place?
- BFS does not have a formal incident report
- employees are encouraged to reach out to HR directly
- HR held to standard of confidentiality
- Can report on trends, themes, core units, but names are on a case by case basis
Who would be involved?
- Union Bargaining Contracts
- PPSM policy through OP for non represented
- HR would need to report to CLT before reporting to Central HR or Union
responsibility to report specific info to Central HR or Union
HR Fact Finding
- who, what, where, when?
- Looks at any parties involved
- Iliana would interview those involved
- HR come together as a team and brainstorm together to find solution
Reporting in BFS-One Stop
- Send incident there
- Request for consultation without too many details to protect Anonymity
- "I have a sensitive matter, I would like to talk to you about"
- BFS-HR will call to get details
- Consultation option to track engagement
- No such thing as a timeline bc fact finding is per case
- Utilize a cycle thought process
- Increase flexibility to note there will be follow ups, continuous change, and missed steps
Leader's Responsibilities in Reporting
- Whenever an issue is addressed within the team, the supervisors need to loop BFS-HR in to start the fact finding process
- This will help tie in any documentation / later incidents in the future
- HR will reference > does not mean that anything will be reported to Central HR, yet
- Only HR has access to these documentations?
- Need to follow "Hierarchy of Corrective Discipline / Performance Management

- Provided by BFS-HR
- Supervisors need to loop HR in before it escalates further
Employee Chain of Communications for Incidents
- provided to new employees, but never brought up again
- BFS-HR's action item is to create one and share moving forward
- Protocol in place to follow for transparency
- Student safety training for hiring managers
- New Managers, XYZ courses, established protocol by BFS HR
- BFS-HR encourages employees to go straight to Central HR or Union if they don't feel comfortable going to them
- EDI specific person is being hired to move these initiatives forward campus wide
- Q: how can an the individuals involved in the incident feel like everyone involved is being held accountable?
Checks and Balances
Q: What happens when an incident involves a CLT member/supervisor?
- go directly to BFS HR first to offer resources > but can def go to employee relations if you want to skip HR
- the employee's right to go to HR instead of supervisor
- employee does NOT need to go to supervisor
- supervisors should not be offended and say, "why did you not come to me first?"
- Students
- BFS-HR needs to report to STARK/SARK? and Student Labor Office
- As mandated reporters need to report to police and STARK /SARK?
- Class on how to help a student survivor > hiring managers
EDIAC Responsibilities in Incident Reporting
Q: If someone comes to our committee with an incident what do we do?
- Create a OneStop case
- depending on the individual level, we will be the proxy or encourage the indv to submit one
- BFS-HR will need to reach out to them eventually, but we may need to be the champions
- LEAD Fellows should not be involved to ensure trust
- When in receiving end of information> receive with full confidentiality
- If someone comes to one of us directly, should not share with rest of committee before sharing with BFS-HR
- This will avoid any additionally responsibility or law breaking
- Do not document anything as this may break confidentiality
- Encourage reaching out to BFS-HR
Alignment with Everything
- We are aligning with our strategic goals, within the sphere of influence
- Leading with an inclusive decision making lens
- Noting respect from a unit level, IPPS wide, BFS wide, CFO wide, UCSD wide, and finally UCOP
- Collaborative approach
- Healthy conversations from boots on the ground employees
Removing Frustrations from the Process
- Managing up
- Advising supervisor they are not the first step
- Actively noting supervisory expectations and responsibilities
- Distinctions when moving to a supervisory role
- Less peer to peer and more peer to leader