3/17/2022 EDI Retreat Planning
3/17/2022 EDI Retreat Planning
Lunch will be provided but please bring a drink
Areas of growth seen:
- EDI in hiring
- In-depth job cards
- Referring candidates to our EDI
Ornelas, Rubi RUBI
Jasmine Montilla Alma Mendoza JASMINE & ALMA
Kelli Marielle G Vizcarra Kelli & Marielle
- Introductions Former user (Deleted) 10 mins
- Learning Guidelines kacema 5 mins
- Suggestion Box 5 mins
- Sticky notes
- Questions/ideas
- Suggestion Box 5 mins
10: 20am
- Prompt - Please write down thoughts and questions (Two answers per question)
- General Questions
- How do you define EDI?
- Why does EDI matter?
- As a leader how do you incorporate EDI into your structure?
- What does your team dynamic look like?
- When is the last time you've mentioned EDI?
- How often are you engaged with your staff members in EDI?
- Open discussion
- General Questions
- Prompt - Please write down thoughts and questions (Two answers per question)
- 10:40 am 20mins
- EDI Accountability Brief (Printed)
- Vision & Mission Statement
- Core Objective
- Strategies around accessibility, accountability, and trust
- Roles: Supervisors, Champions, Consultants
- Committee structure
- EDI Accountability Brief (Printed)
- 11AM - BIO BREAK 5 mins
- Background on the Subcommittees (10 minutes)
- Accountability, Transparency, and Expectations: long-term projects
- Input
- Frequency of meetings (quarter)
- Goal: accomplish this within a quarter
- Background on the Subcommittees (10 minutes)
- 11:15AM
- Subcommittee 1: How to incorporate EDI in our hiring? - RUBI/MARIELLE
- Job Card EDI Statement
- Ensure candidates know the importance of EDI right off the bat
- EDI Questions
- Included in interviews to keep EDI goals accountable
- Draw candidates from underserved communities
- Is UCSD only posting on online portal? Should we look to post elsewhere? Should we expand for the sake of accessibility?
- Planning
- What processes will be in place for ensuring hiring is done with an EDI lens?
- Incorporate EDI into the Key Initiative Hiring Manual and have easy access to the document
- Tactical outcomes
- Tracking retention > strategize how we would track
- Job Card EDI Statement
- Subcommittee 2: EDI Aligned Culture, Leadership, and Business Practices- ALMA/KELLI
- Mentorships & Transperancy
- Access to trainings, certifications, classes, volunteering for leadership track
- Exploring internships or other career paths
- Transperancy in job opportunities > sharing during Huddles, 1:1s, etc.
- Training/Cultural Education across IPPS
- Accountability for leaders, leading in equitable way
- Building trust and retention
- Consistent 1:1s
- Establishing career goals
- Include EDI statement within the EVRD form
- Considering EDI initiatives and goals when doing business with a new supplier
- Should be considered in the same way as the Business Classifications
- Mentorships & Transperancy
- Subcommittee 1: How to incorporate EDI in our hiring? - RUBI/MARIELLE
Start with Trust
- We should start with the 1:1s
- Individual Development Plan (IDP) > institutionalize within IPPS
- Resources on structuring 1:1s sessions
- Mentorship/Internships
- temporary 3 month job swap > look at the HR policy behind this > represented or unpresented
- Shadowing initiative > insight on a day to day role
- ex: roadshows to meet the team
- Establish reality and expectations aligning with strengths and
- Opening Team meetings to IPPS
- high levels > exposure of leadership style and feel of the team
- Intentional Team meetings for presenting the team style and responsabilities
- once a quarter
Goal: exposure, career track planning, and retention
- Session Close Out
- Suggestion box - questions/ideas?
- General Questions
- Why does EDI matter?
, multiple selections available,
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