2023-03-15 Meeting Notes

2023-03-15 Meeting Notes


Agenda Items

  • 2:30 PM Welcome & Working Session

  • 2:40 PM | Agenda Topics

  • 2:50 PM | LEAD Fellow Report

  • 3:00 PM | Walk-On items

  • 3:10 PM | Gratitude Check Out (5 minutes)


Discussion items










IPPS Quarterly Submission


Quarterly Newsletter – EDI Submission

The Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee wants to highlight the Tritons Flourish group and some of the recommendations that they provided on how to flourish in both your personal and professional lives. They hold a virtual meeting that occurs the third Friday of the month. Each meeting discusses skills & strategies to maintain resilience while managing the many stressors we face.



To align with our EDI objectives, Integrated Procure-to-Pay Solutions (IPPS) committed to making the Implicit Bias Series a required training for all the organization’s employees as one of our annual Performance Appraisal (PA) goals. We encourage the rest of campus to adopt similar requirements within their own departments to uphold EDI initiatives.


 Another great resource to start with is the Outsmarting Implicit Bias podcast. The podcast deals with exploring the mind’s blind spots when encountering implicit biases and how to actively fight against them. This series was founded by Harvard psychologist, Mahzarin Banaji.

We also encourage everyone to subscribe to the “5 Ally Actions” Weekly Newsletter which provides 5 simple actions to create a more inclusive workplace.


Please contact ipps-edi@ucsd.edu with any questions or comments.


  • (MARY) Move paragraph on Implicit Bias training to the beginning

  • (KACY) Making the texts more bullet points - Kacy will do this when reviewing with Leah

  • Kacy will send the submission back to the group so that we can see it before it gets published


Notes from last meeting


  • Reach out to Jasmine to see the notes from last meeting

    • Tony - Demographics for IPPS?

      • Our workforce data

      • Similar version for IPPS & SFS - the goal would be to diversify situation

    • @Kelli - Reconnecting with Staff@Work?

      • Kelli was going to ask if the demographics was part of the results


Injury Prevention Program


  • Jasmine redelegated to Kacy

  • Two sessions a week but it’s M/V or T/Th

  • Kacy asked if it could be one day at HQ and the second day Trade Street

  • We might wait to see if it works for next quarter

    • We will see if we can work with them

    • @Marielle G Vizcarra will ask about the program

  • Zaira will see if this works for SFS




  • Proposed edits for the page

  • Kacy started updating the website


Lead Fellow Report

Patrick & Kacy

  • Nothing at the moment


Review Objectives


  • Goals to incorporate for PA

  • Individual goals?

  • Provide ideas for next meeting?

    • Individual goals vs team goals

  • Kacy proposed that it’s a goal for supervisors that they need to implement an EDI related activity

    • @kacema will float the idea to CLT

Action items

  • Agenda topics for next week: looking at the draft of our survey

  • Itemize our objectives in a matter of importance

  • Edit the EDI Brief

  • @Marielle G Vizcarra reach out to someone in Recreation about the IPP

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