2024-03-06 Meeting notes

2024-03-06 Meeting notes


Mar 6, 2024


  • @Marielle G Vizcarra

  • @Alma Mendoza

  • @Kelli

  • @Maggie

  • @kacema

  • @Mary Wong

  • @Heather Vinograd




  • 2:30 PM Welcome

  • 2:35 PM | Agenda Topics

  • 2:50 PM | LEAD Fellow Report

  • 3:00 PM | Walk-On items

  • 3:10 PM | Gratitude Check Out (5 minutes)


 Discussion topics





Notes 1/24/24





Notes 1/24/24


IPPS Quarterly Submission?



  • Inclusive Excellence Awards

  • Tritons Belong

  • UCU Students

    • Their certifications and their programs

    • Last fall UCU hired two UCSD students for a part-time ambassadorship

    • Certified to provide support

    • Marielle will start and Kacy/Trisha can assist with the UCU Part

  • Highlight the Student Mentorship program?

    • Focus on UCSD alum and bringing them full-time

    • Highlight the success of the cohort


Align our Brief goals to Chancellor’s Strategic Plan


  • Our original strategic plan, we had some ambitious goals so we came up with three strategies

  • People leaders within IPPS to continue to grow and encourage our leaders to attend these - be aware of the new culture

    • A push for managers to become people leaders

  • Kacy: liked the connection to Terry Windbush

  • IdeaWave campaign is running right now

    • Closes March 11th

    • Add in our ideas how IPPS can be linked

    • Voice our challenges that we have


  • Go over the goals of the plan to see how we align to them

  1. Access and Success

    1. (Alma) Start engaging with other groups within IPPS/SFS

      • Going over to Trade Street to meet with the folks over there

      • Letting them know that we are the EDI Group

      • Building trust

      • Engagement with folks across IPPS

    2. (Mary) Can we serve as part of a panel and have all BFS student employees where they interview us?

      • A way for the students to grow and expand their horizons

      • There are about 70 across IPPS

    3. (Kelli) Wondering if CLT & ECLT hold Office Hours for people to come in and answer professional advice

      • Ex: Asking what the route can be taken to become a manager?

    4. (Kelli) Goal for 2024 is to revamp our Strategic Plan and align it to the Chancellor’s Strategic Plan

      • Creating action items for each goal.

    5. (Zaira) Even though a student is paired with one mentor for one whole year, it doesn’t stop the student from showing interest to participate again and get a new mentor

      1. Ted is interested in retention of Student Employees to transition into staff

        1. Kacy & Gayle presented to Ted on the numbers

  2. Climate

    1. (Kelli) Managerial competence - a push for managers to become people leaders

      1. Terri Windbush’s - People Leader Summits

        1. Helpful to put things into perspective

      2. Leaders should attend one leadership summit so that they can become a people leader

        1. Learning about psychological safety

    2. (Jasmine) Pipeline that shows what it takes to go from a standard employee to a supervisor/manager/leader

      1. Sharing the wealth of knowledge

    3. (Maggie) Including a pathway to get from A - Z which creates an atmosphere that feels safe and have more clarity

  3. Accountability

    1. Gathering metrics

      1. Demographics

      2. Position

    2. Some statistics

      1. 40% of people quit their job before their first year

      2. 42% of people quit within the first 45 days

      3. The majority of people that stay is due to strong training and support

    3. (Jasmine) Addressing macroaggressions:

      1. Accountability is hard to measure


Current Shift of EDI


  • There is a shift happening with corporate EDI initiatives and in higher ed

  • HV had heard in January from a colleague at the University of Utah that EDI language is being pulled off of their job descriptions

  • Ted has been at a leadership conference, and their was an EDI session where some University declined to attend due to the climate on their campuses

  • Companies are pulling away from BLM support and are focusing more on i.e./ food insecurity, veterans, women in leadership

  • Wondering how this shift is going to impact us

  • Alma: Why the shift? Is it because it’s an election year?

    • HV: Not a pushback from our Suppliers but their focus has shifted to different topics

    • Might be getting pushback from donors that have conservative views

  • Alma: What’s the temperature in the UC?

  • Maggie: The pushback has to do with seeing is as favoritism and seeing it as affirmative action issues. A feeling of over-support that does not sound fair

    • Universities are being put in the hot seat for these items

    • More pressure coming in

  • HV: Another place that this came up was during a Rady supply chain class and the professor of the class does a lot of work with DC and he was talking about getting sued because of the diversity requirements they had in their solicitations

    • Being seen as unfair treatment to others

    • Question asked: How are you not getting in trouble for requiring those things

    • At the system wide level, their is no requirement for diversity but there is one for sustainability

  • Maggie: VC Petitt’s thesis for her degree was about Janitors

    • Something great about the program was mostly geared for the students and not that much of a focus on Faculty/Staff

    • SJP agenda items was to stop relations with any companies that support Israel

  • Kelli: This topic will definitely affect our initiatives, are there any recommendations on what we should do in the mean time:

    • HV: pretty confident on UCSD staying EDI focused

    • Have not heard any rumblings on UCSD pulling back any programs

    • Will companies not want to bid on UC partnerships based on our stance regarding EDI.

  • UCSD crossed the threshold to be a HSI (Hispanic Serving Institution) campus



EDI Hangout


  • Lets hangout again!

  • Will send out polly to see when we have some availability



























 Action items


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