6/06/22 Meeting Notes

6/06/22 Meeting Notes


Cheryl Olson












  • EDI Survey Recap
  • Staff at Work (S@W) review


06/06/22 Notes/Decisions6/3/22 Notes/Decisions5/20/22 Notes/Decisions
Subcommittee Impacts:

Subcommittee 1 Decision: hold off on these until after June check-in / follow-up with Angela


How is this going to be used in parallel or supplement the VC Staff at Work survey?

  • Staff at Work Survey has EDI questions
  • Difference > temperature check for IPPS

Cheryl found that our questions are similar to the EDI questions on the Staff at Work Survey

Rules for Survey: Quick and easy

  • Cheryl thinks our survey is too long
  • Thinks the comment boxes will make folks feel burned out
    • should only be available when the rating is low
  • Cheryl suggests getting someone to present on the results of the Staff at Work survey
    • See patterns and trends
  • Cheryl would redraft the survey in a way to get more response
    • We can regroup and review the redrafted
    • Avoid double barreled questions > can be read differently


  • Look at IPPS specific results for IPPS with someone guiding
  • Then re-asses if survey is needed
  • Does not see anything wrong with IPPS specific survey
  • Cheryl will look into the S@W to see if there are any EDI topics we should look into
  • We should share results with VC EDI office
  • EDI Survey should be issued annually

Cheryl does not know of any other groups doing EDI specific surveys

Action Items:

-concerns of S@W with Angela EOD

-Look for EDI topics in S@W

-Get a reworked EDI survey  (EOW)

EDI Closing Session

Confidentiality Reminder

  • leadership should NOT ask for names of those participating 
  • data provided to leadership would be high level topics and overall themes
    • examples will NOT be provided

Noted Themes

Strategy 1-1 Accessibility: Create mentorships/internships within IPPS to explore and enrich career paths 

Strategy 1-2 Accountability: Hold current leaders accountable and foster self-accountability

Strategy 1-3 Trust: Address macroaggressions and inflexibilities to uplift morale and gain trust 

  • Process overview for staff concerns & issues surrounding bullying and harassment 
    • Should calling the hotline or reaching out to Pierre be an option? 
    • Alternate options for staff members that “don’t fit in”

Strategy 1-3 Trust: Provide peer reviewed content with a pulse point on the status of IPPS’ diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. 

  • Quality over quantity as a performance appraisal tool 
    • Data serves a number but doesn’t highlight the work put in daily, the background details of the case, areas of work that are not transactional.  
    • Accounting for housekeeping work. 
    • Setting expectations based on job descriptions. 
    • Comparing staff members' output without regard to complexity 

Strategy 1-1 Accessibility: Retain  documentation  of courses, certifications,  roles, and committee  participation  taken by leadership for a  rubric for management  roles 

Strategy 1-2 Accountability: Request additional leadership development to contain how to manage for inclusion alongside traditional supervisor training 

Strategy 1-3 Trust: Positively interrupt racism and bias using effective action within our spheres of influence 

  • Managerial Standards 
    • Advising team of expectations and avoiding double standards 
    • Required skill set to move from employee to manager 
      • Processes in place for developing manager  
      • Addressing problematic behavior

Establishing an "Incident Report"

  • Document and Follow-up
  • Ask employee for desired outcome
    • Training issue
    • Language correction
    • "I want to bring awareness"
    • "I want to report / disciplinary action"
  • How do we protect the individual that comes forward?
  • Include HR in this convo
    • How should we document?
    • How should we include checks and balances?
    • How do we protect the individuals included?
  • Include a neutral party to have these meetings
  • Include one CLT member on this meeting to be sure all on the same page bc HR won't put everything in writing 

In terms of data> we should re-establish a new relationship of how data/metrics should be used to encourage/measure success without it being a point of competition

What resources are available for new managers to ensure they succeed?

  • Expectations and resources would be handled through 1:1s
    • Coaching through conversations
  • Supervisor Effectiveness is #1 complaint that Pierre and Jeff Gattas receives
    • HR is working on resources for this
    • EDI Goals are for everyone in the organization 
    • Finalized Goals: 


      1. Complete the Implicit Bias training series (approx. 2 hours for all courses).


        1. Attend 2 campus diversity events
        2. Attend 1 IPPS Open Forum quarterly – feel free to suggest a topic/invite a speaker/recommend an article
        3. Join a campus group that supports diversity. See Staff Affiliate Groups (ucsd.edu) for ideas. 
        4. If already involved in a campus or community group that supports diversity, host a Lunch and Learn to share info about the organization, its key objectives and events/how to get involved


    • How to weigh the S, A, E ratings for each goal?
      • Taking training will establish baseline and won't be considered as an "E" in the PA review, but what should?
      • Limitations:
        • Scoring for EDI could be extremely subjective, especially if manager is not familiar with EDI concepts
          • example: as a buyer onboarding 5 small business > should count as meeting EDI goals
    • How will this training be enforced?
      • Ted thinks we should make this an expectation and NOT a requirement 
        • Managers should be accountable for having conversations with team members and ensuring it's getting done in alignment with the PA review 
      • EDI Goals will be listed 
      • Proposed Solutions:
        • request completion certificate
        • employee to list next year in PA
    • Committee will review and think on this for a minute.
Walk-in Topics & Side Projects

EDI Talks/ Trainings

  • Fnann Keflezighi meeting went well
    • It was advise IPPS could be on the path of cutting edge EDI work that the University hasn't begun yet
    • Highlight areas we would like to see a collaboration with VC EDI
    • Shared documentation pertaining to EDI Accountability Committee Brief,  Before you leave questions, team notes, and collab page
  • Nicknames in the workplace vs microaggressions 
  • Example of PI and Fund Manager
    • PI calling Fund Manager A and not her name without notice 
    • Fund Manager confronted PI 
    • This is an example of aggression within campus and unspoken hierarchy 
  • Marielle G Vizcarra follow-up with Leah early next week! 
  • Patrick Etienne reach out to UC Learning to see if we can add it as required/get emails sent out to IPPS 
  • Committee to finalize survey questions for Angela by May 27th. 
  • Kelli email Angela with survey questions May 30th