4/8/2022 Meeting Notes
4/8/2022 Meeting Notes
Subcommittee Impacts:
- How are subcommittees engaging the rest of IPPS and the outcomes?
- How will we ensure trust and buy-in?
Gathering Data:
- We need to address the outreach that we are doing to engage IPPS more.
- We need at least 80 responses for data
- We need to create a campaign about the importance of "voice" and encourage ppl to participate.
Goal Setting/Plans of Action:
- Since this is not a requirement, we would like to move forward but want to have inclusivity. In light of this we will make some decision, advise the entire team, give 1 week for feedback and proceed with the plan.
- Meeting poll to establish a time to work with the majority Kelli
- Finalize IPPSTER and Leaders surveys:
- Kacy to connect EDI with Edwina to review survey before distribution
- Set deadline for Survey Distribution
Sparking Creativity:
- Leadership team to push message of encouragement to participate
- Survey First then meet with different teams to create meaningful conversations
- Create a roadshow to show what the community wants to talk about
- Logistics has all staff meetings (first Wed of every month)
- 8am in person
- Early arrival to huddles, create additional accessibility
- Logistics has all staff meetings (first Wed of every month)
, multiple selections available,
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