


  • @Heather Vinograd

  • @Mary Wong

  • @Kelli

  • @Marielle G Vizcarra



2:30 PM Welcome & Working Session

2:40 PM | Agenda Topics

2:50 PM | LEAD Fellow Report

3:00 PM | Walk-On items

3:10 PM | Gratitude Check Out (5 minutes)








HDH Presentation - Amber Bareno

  • Intro from Amber as to why she cares about EDI and how she got involved with it

    • She is part of HR and oversees a lot of areas within HDH

    • Focuses on wellness and EDI

  • JEDI = Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

    • A lot of talking but not a lot of action and that is how the program was born

    • Were the diverse staff being asked about what they want and what they need?

    • Taking the initiative to create the program while also being mindful and making sure that is not performative and action items are being met

      • Meaningful for the staff to make the department better

    • Started as a smaller group - mostly admin but it did not represent the actual staff that is part of HDH

      • Figure out what they wanted to achieve

        • Establishing a Vision and mission statement: want everyone in the department to feel like they belong

        • Defaulting that if you are part of the department, you are part of EDI - regardless if you are attending the meeting

          • Everyone is welcome

        • Making sure that Managers & Supervisors know that supporting their staff is part of their role

          • Are you supporting your staff in participation?

          • Are you letting them know that their voice is heard?

      • The idea was to form a group of JEDI Advocates throughout HDH and they wanted people that had a set of beliefs that are excited about promoting inclusion and diversity

        • All varying levels of knowledge

        • Increase multicultural awareness

        • Not being afraid to make mistakes - giving each other grace and being vulnerable about stumbling sometimes

        • What do members of the community need to feel embraced?

    • Their first year was not that successful but they established goals for the next year and brainstormed ideas on how to get information from people

      • Set simple goals

        • Actual actions items that are realistic to bring people in

      • Suggestion boxes

        • How do you manage that?

      • Developed some task forces

        • Have monthly workshops

        • Have multiple EDI Topics presentations

      • Monthly EDI check-ins during Manager/Supervisor meeting

      • Add EDI topics to the newsletter

        • Community building - Crafts Center

  • JEDI Task Forces

    • Casa de Verdad

      • Someone comes in from HDH and shares some of their personal struggles/stories

    • Craft Center

    • EDI Trivia in HDH Newsletter





  • Potential questions for Amber:

    • How to get demographic information from each individual department OR How to gather that data

    • How they determine which tasks to implement in their Jedi Program

      • Taskforces

        • Assign a taskforce to the original JEDI Member

          • Do you have the time/bandwidth

          • Gave them the space to think of an event or an activity and then opened it up to the bigger JEDI group

          • Let them know that there are no expectations

    • Collaborations with other groups on campus

    • Suggestion boxes

      • Newly implemented locked boxes - Amber will share information

        • Shred the information, have a secure drive where the information can be kept

        • Employee relations would step in if there was any sensitive information

          • Compile the data like similar to a survey

      • Has the JEDI Program has been effective?

        • It helps to have HR presentation and that they have a larger group

      • How did you get more participation?

        • Reaching out to different units

      • What feedback about non-admin joining the group?

        • It’s hard for them to make the meetings because they are in the types of jobs where they don’t have the luxury to schedule their days.

          • Work with their supervisors

        • They give feedback on what makes them feel included versus what makes them feel excluded

          • Created a list of best practices

      • What are your strategies for measuring success and meeting those goals?

        • Staff @ Work but a lot staff don’t trust that the survey is anonymous

          • She looks to measure if staff is feeling valued by the department

          • People feeling that there are promotional opportunities

        • Informal types of assessment with this group

          • Staff turnover rates

          • Performance

    • What do the check-ins with managers/supervisor look like?

      • Have a preplanned topic

        • Gender recognition act

        • Staff Mental Health

    • Do you have any Open Forum type activities?

      • Not currently, but she wants to implement it

    • Supervisors/Managers opting out of non-mandatory EDI events, have you had any opposition of everyone in HDH being part of the EDI

      • Some leadership have not shown and avoided attending

        • Difficult for Amber when there is a power dynamic structure

        • Good relationship with EVC to have the support behind EDI

    • We should focus on a goal like, “feeling valued” one year and focus on the data for that specific goal in that year and measure success in this small chunk.

      • We can do “promotional opportunities” next year