4/22/22 Meeting Notes

4/22/22 Meeting Notes



Marielle G Vizcarra 

Alma Mendoza 

Ornelas, Rubi 


Anthony Singleton 


4/22 Notes/Decisions 4/15 Notes/Decisions4/8 Notes
Subcommittee Impacts:

  • How are subcommittees engaging the rest of IPPS and the outcomes?
  • How will we ensure trust and buy-in?
Gathering Data:

  • We need to address the outreach that we are doing to engage IPPS more. 
  • We need at least 80 responses for data
  • We need to create a campaign about the importance of "voice" and encourage ppl to participate.

Kacy & Edwina conversation: 

  • Meet with Angela group that writes customer satisfaction and staff at work. 
  • Come with questions that we have about data from staff at work and she can make recommendation on questions and data 
  • Goal is to have staff at work survey actionable. Our input can move that survey forward and be better
  • Angela can give advise on what we want to get out of survey and if it would be best to do interviews or a forum 
  • Kacy & Tony to draft email to Angela for introductions and gage interest and bandwidth for input 
  • Review Staff at work Survey to see what is missing and what we want to know 
  • Review Mary's survey response and Mary them to the Staff at Work Survey 
  • Mary Wong to add notes for survey's ranking
  • EDI team to consolidate survey questions to 10 per survey. 
  • Determine if Edwina will help with survey after meeting with Kacy next Friday, April 22. 
  • Publishing:
    • Timeline: 
      • announce and publish survey at Huddle May 1st. 
      • Give 2 weeks to respond
    • ACTIONS: Advertise survey at Logistics Huddle, visiting Trade St. and during Team Days 
  • Since this is not a requirement, we would like to move forward but want to have inclusivity. In light of this we will make some decision, advise the entire team, give 1 week for feedback and proceed with the plan.
  • Leadership team to push message of encouragement to participate
  • Survey First then meet with different teams to create meaningful conversations
  • Create a roadshow to show what the community wants to talk about
    • Logistics has all staff meetings (first Wed of every month)
      • 8am in person
    • Early arrival to huddles, create additional accessibility
LEAD Fellow's Project
  • Scholarship is sponsored by the Chancellor Office 
  • We are all in agreement that the funding of $150-500 is not worth the time crunch 
  • Reassess next year for a project submission

Kacy emailed about a project with deadline May 5th. 

  • Committee members are already at max participation time and will have to decline offer to participate 
  • Will support if any LEAD Fellows will take on project to best of our capacity

Meeting Scheduling 
  • Keep EDI Meeting for Fridays
  • Depending on frequency of Subcommittees we may switch to meeting once a month

Open Forum
  • Kacy will email Tim, Robbie, and Ruben to see what day (Monday or Thursday) they would prefer
  • Inclusive decision making and Logistics representation 

Team Bonding
  • Assess meeting in person every once in a while 
  • Perhaps HH on Tuesdays 


  • Ornelas, Rubi to truncate email address to ipps-edi@ucsd.edu
  • Mary Wong to rank survey questions for IPPSTERS and LEADERS 
  • Marielle G Vizcarra to add new members to reoccurring meeting invites
  • EDI Committee: Review survey questions and consolidate info 
  • EDI Committee: Review Staff at Work survey to see what we are missing and what we want to know 
  • kacema Anthony Singleton draft email to Angela to engage about Staff at Work & EDI Survey