2023-11-08 Meeting notes

2023-11-08 Meeting notes


Nov 8, 2023


  • @Maggie

  • @Jasmine Montilla

  • @Anthony Singleton

  • @Alma Mendoza

  • @Kelli

  • @kacema


  • 2:30 PM Welcome

  • 2:35 PM | Agenda Topics

    • Welcome Maggie Grey (if in attendance)

    • EDI Hang out has been moved

    • IPPS Quarterly Submission

    • Debrief on events we have been invited to attend as VC/CFO Reps

  • 2:50 PM | LEAD Fellow Report

  • 3:00 PM | Walk-On items

  • 3:10 PM | Gratitude Check Out (5 minutes)


 Discussion topics










New attendees?


  • First Name

  • Pronouns

  • Positional Role

  • Feel Free to Share:

    • What brings you here today

    • One thing that's bringing you JOY!


EDI Bowling Hang out


  • New date: Dec 13th @ 3PM

  • Mira Mesa Lanes

  • Be there or be squared!


IPPS Quarterly Submission


  • Here is my draft:

    • Fall 2023 Submission:
      In October 2023, the IPPS Leadership Forum delved into the significance of workplace feedback. The session, led by Christina Lambert of the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP), was titled "Providing Pivotal Workplace Feedback." It centered on the acquisition of effective communication models for delivering constructive and meaningful feedback. As a result of this presentation, IPPS leadership engaged in valuable discussions about various communication strategies, reflecting on both successful approaches and past challenges. If you want to implement this workshop within your department/team, feel free to email Christina Lambert directly for more information.  

      [**@Marielle G Vizcarra, we talked about adjusting this article to instead focus on the public events that occur for each heritage month since every table at the heritage event is managed by the purchaser of the table. Possibly linking to something like this: https://blink.ucsd.edu/HR/policies/diversity/native-american/nahm-calendar.html. Maybe we can reinforce subscribing and reading the ‘Today@UCSanDiego’ newsletter.** Additionally, the IPPS EDI Committee has been invited to attend a variety of campus-hosted diversity events. A selection of these events that our EDI representatives have taken part in are: the HDH Summer Appreciation Event featuring Shola Richards, 3rd Annual Latinx Heritage Month Commemoration Event, and the 17th Annual Native American Heritage Month Celebration Event. We highly recommend taking advantage of the opportunity to participate in campus cultural events. This not only allows you to connect with your fellow campus colleagues but also provides a unique chance to listen to inspiring guest speakers who share their stories of resilience and success.] 

      BFS just kicked off the second year of its Student Mentorship Program. Student and full-time staff are paired for the academic year with the goal of fostering connection and opportunities for professional development. We’re looking forward to building connections with this year’s cohort of students!


Debrief on Latinx & Native American Celebration Events


  • If Kelli is in attendance she can speak on the Latinx Annual Commemoration Event

  • If Kacy is in attendance she can speak on the Native American Heritage Month Celebration event


Engagement with Logistics teams


  • Is the bulletin board still be used to post campus-wide announcements?




  • Can we incorporate the guide created from the onboarding KI to the IPPS HQ guide?

  • Let’s incorporate a list of campus-wide affinity groups in the IPPS HQ guide













 Action items


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