2023-09-13 Meeting notes

2023-09-13 Meeting notes


Sep 13, 2023


  • @Marielle G Vizcarra

  • @Kelli

  • @Lara Rodriguez, Zaira

  • @Alma Mendoza

  • @Jasmine Montilla

  • @Anthony Singleton



  • 2:30 PM Welcome

  • 2:35 PM | Agenda Topics

    • Guilt Culture

    • Attending the JEDI Program meeting?

      • September 28

    • Open Forum

  • 2:50 PM | LEAD Fellow Report

  • 3:00 PM | Walk-On items

  • 3:10 PM | Gratitude Check Out (5 minutes)


 Discussion topics












  • Waiting on update from HV on EDI doc

  • Kacy will ask HR about asking how to address the use of AI for the EDI questions

    • Hold them accountable for what they responded in their written answers an

  • HV will reach out Shawn about presenting on Lived Name/Gender Recognition


Guilt Culture


  • Marielle asked Chat GPT about how to combat Guilt Culture:

    • It can be tough dealing with guilt culture at work. One way to combat it is by setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. Remember that you can't please everyone, and it's important to take care of yourself too.



      1. Communicate your boundaries: Clearly express your workload capacity and let your colleagues know when you have reached your limit. This helps manage expectations and prevents guilt from taking over.

        1. Tony: Set your boundaries, but also pace yourself so that all parties are aware of your workload to prevent quiet resentment.

        2. Alma: It’s easier to set boundaries when you have a better relationship with your supervisors/colleagues. Learning to balance responsibilities

      2. Practice self-care: Take breaks, set aside time for activities you enjoy, and prioritize your well-being. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to handle work demands without feeling overwhelmed or guilty.

        1. Tony: tendency to get things done. Overachievers in our department.

          1. Will need to prioritize taking breaks

          2. WE NEED TO HANG OUT

            1. Proposed LaFayette Hotel or The Tavern

            2. Tony will take the lead on that

        2. Marielle: Gave the example of how T&E take their lunch together and how it is part of community building and creating rapport.

        3. Kelli: It really helps to have others keeping you accountable. Learning to step away and prevent burnout.

          1. Creating a 30 min lunch block in her calendar has worked

      3. Challenge negative self-talk: Recognize when guilt is creeping in and challenge those thoughts. Remind yourself that it's okay to prioritize your own needs and that you are not solely responsible for everything.

      4. Seek support: Talk to trusted colleagues or mentors who can provide guidance and perspective. They can offer advice on how to navigate guilt-inducing situations and help you find healthier ways to manage work-related stress.


      Remember, combating guilt culture takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way.

  • Tony: He would do the extra to be inclusive and show up but he was compromising his own mental well being

    • Look at wellness from the perspective of taking care of yourself

    • Remove the guilt and do what is best for you while still trying to meet the objectives and goals of the organization

    • Don’t let guilt drive you - find that balance to lead a healthier mental health lifestyle


Open Forum


  • Open Forum attendance has gone down

  • Was created with good intent but with the lack of participation and engagement with all the divisions it has been pushed under the rug

  • How to make it a safe space without making it mandated?

  • Was created during the pandemic and political unrest where people needed community - it served its purpose during that period

  • Can it be reformatted to only be available when there are periods of unrest or when things are going on in the world where people want to have a space to talk

  • Potentially having a poll in one of the huddles

    • How is the organization feeling?

    • Should we repurpose?

    • How often should we have it?

    • Monthly? Quarterly?

    • Decide on a theme prior to the Open Forum

    • Additional responsibility for the moderator

      • Can we roll it out to different moderators? So that all that responsibility doesn’t fall on one person.

  • Will continue the conversation on the next meeting





















 Action items


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