2023-07-05 Meeting notes

2023-07-05 Meeting notes


Jul 5, 2023


  • @Marielle G Vizcarra

  • @Kelli

  • @Heather Vinograd

  • @Lara Rodriguez, Zaira

  • @Jasmine Montilla

  • @Mary Wong




 Discussion topics










Ice Breaker


Something you did this past weekend or holiday that you enjoyed


Meeting when we will be in the office


  • Book a meeting room for the next 6 months

  • Jasmine will make the room block



Zaira & Marielle

  • Zaira has not heard back

  • Hard Times, Soft Tactics: Mind-Body Skills for Busy Professionals — A sampler of simple, research-based approaches to help prevent stress-related illness, burn out and fatigue while empowering you to higher creativity and a more meaningful connection with your core values and relationships.

  • HV: Totally open to repurposing one of the huddles and use that timeslot to attend

    • This is tricky with logistics schedule but he can always schedule something for his group

  • SFS needs a heads-up so that she can provide her team a reminder

  • Kelli: Logistics was able to join the Ritz Carlton training

    • Talk to Robbie to see what time works best for his team

    • HV: Could potentially be around 2:30

      • @Heather Vinograd will ask

  • Ask Crystal what is the difference between 30/60 min workshop

    • Potentially 90 attendees

    • Aiming for a Monday afternoon


Trust building Event


  • Talked to Tony to see which lanes he suggested

  • Mira Mesa Lanes

  • Pick a day and just show up

  • Mary will pick a day


Lead Fellow Report


  • ITS has a type of Open Forum on their end

  • Maybe we can get them to come talk to us about what they’re doing on their end

  • ITS, HR and Budget & Office are also doing some EDI related stuff

  • Heather facilitated a couple of sessions with Student Health after taking a training on talking about race in the workshop

    • Student Health Lead Fellows asked for help on facilitating small groups

    • Being able to talk about race as a result as the training provided

    • Heather will provide some of the questions:

1. What is your first memory of being aware of your own race and how did it make you feel?  

2. Have you ever been a victim of racism or experienced it happening to someone firsthand? If so, what was the situation and how did it make you feel?  

3. Are you willing and able to have an honest conversation about race in America?   

If not… 

Why not?  

What is the root of why you're unwilling to do so? 

What do you believe you need to hear differently in order to engage in these conversations?   

  If so… 

Have you engaged in them already?  

What have you learned about your style of engagement?  

What has been effective, challenging, or uncertain?  

Are you only able to engage in a conversation about race if your race is mentioned?   

Does the reference to your race have to be positive and/or positioned from the place of victim rather than perpetrator?    

Have you ever used your intersecting identities as a weapon?  

 4. What does it mean to give grace when having conversations around race and equity?                    “I will practice offering grace under the following circumstances _________________.”  

5. How can I practice vulnerability when discussing race?

6. Am I able to receive feedback related to my own bias? What type of feedback am I able to receive?

7. Which communities would see my behavior and identify me as an ally?

8. How often have I offered grace when someone accused me of being insensitive?

9. What unspoken rules do I deploy when having uncomfortable conversations?

10. I will practice cultural humility in the following ways:



Update from Zaira on asking Ileana about responses for EDI questions


  • Have not been able to confirm with Iliana regarding creating a doc for the responses from EDI questions asked during interviews. Our meeting was cancelled last Thursday, will get a response before next meeting


Next Meeting/Tabling for next meeting


  • Making more accessible/inclusive content for clients with learning disabilities

    • Reach out to Ana Portlock to see what she suggests

  • Review VILTs to make sure we use gender inclusive language

  • Best practices:

    • Sharing gender inclusive language

 Action items


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